Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top 5 Undertaker Dream Matches

5. Vs. Dolph Ziggler at any ppv in a World Title Match
4. Vs. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania in a Hell In A Cell Match
3. Vs. Daniel Bryan at any ppv in a Submissions Only Match
2. Vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania any match
1. Vs. Sting at Wrestlemania in a Retirement Match

Got an Undertaker Dream Match? Send your comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Twitter (@thedeanjennings) and on Facebook
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Been On An Unofficial Hiatus As Of Late...

Sorry folks like the title says, I've been out of it for a little bit. Nothing bad I promise, just some setbacks and missed opportunities due to many reasons. Nonetheless, I am ready for May and the great things that are coming our way. The "Hottie" and "Bad Ass of the Month" pics are in and will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Future Endeavors:
Get back on a stage, no matter where.
Get The Dean's List Show revamped and running
Work on my horror movie that I'm writing
Get financial backing for said movie
Rock the mic wherever I go!

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

You'd think twice before messing with Mother Nature if she looked like a bodybuilder and could crush you like an aluminum can, then toss you into a recycle bin. As we all know the weather has been kind of odd as of late and we can do our part by recycling, carpooling and many different ways that cut back on pollution and save money. By the way, HAPPY EARTH DAY!

Photo Credit: April Hunter (www.aprilhunter.com) Find her on Twitter (@aprilhunter) and tell'er I said hello :)

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Top 5 Heavy Metal Songs About Heavy Metal

Guest Top 5 by:
"The Rock Maiden" Brittany Hodge

5. Bang Your Head (Metal Health) by Quiet Riot
4. Die For Metal by Manowar
3. Metal on Metal by Anvil
2. Metal Gods by Judas Priest
1. Denim and Leather by Saxon

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Top 5 Reasons Bad Influence Rock

5. They know how to party
4. X-Division Veterans
3. They can destroy any team in any federation
2. They are Dean's List APPROVED!!!
1. It's Daniels & Kazarian, NUFF SAID
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Top 5 Songs To Have Sex To

5. Closer by Nine Inch Nails
4. Lick by Joi (xXx Movie Soundtrack)
3. Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls
2. #1 Crush by Garbage
1. Erotica by Madonna

Don't agree or you have a better Top 5? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bad Ass Of The Month: Derek Vittetoe

The Dean's List proudly brings to you my brother and United States Army Staff Sargent Derek Vittetoe

For your service we all thank you and are glad you're home safe. Nicknamed "DDP" or "Daddy Don't Play", Derek and I had some great times in school and hanging with friends. Now that we're grown-ups (who'da thunk it?) he is a dad, a soldier and a brother. Here's to you Staff Sargent Vittetoe for being a legit "Bad Ass"!

Wanna be the next Bad Ass Of The Month?
Send in a pic and info to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com

Hottie Of The Month: Josiane Be

The Dean's List is proud to bring to you Montreal, Quebec, Canada's "Hottest Cougar In Training": Josiane Be!
A very attractive and cool young lady that loves MMA, Music and some good ol' fashioned good times.
Please take a moment to thank her for being apart of The Dean's List you can find her on Facebook www.facebook.com/josiane.be.3

Wanna be the next Hottie Of The Month?
Send in a picture with info to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com