Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Got Jokes?: James Holdiness

                                                       James Holdiness has Got Jokes!

Finally being himself on stage has allowed James "Sparky" Holdiness to be free of any shackles that have confined him. Taking a page from Eddie Izzard, James has been able to carve his niche into the Knoxville comedy scene. This soon to be Knoxvillian will be gracing stages on an every night basis once he moves from Kentucky to Tennessee. I have had the pleasure of sharing a stage with him as well as seeing him grow as a performer. Hats off to my friend and fellow comedian: James Holdiness!!!

Visit his website: www.jamesholdiness.com and tell him that Dean sent ya!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bad Ass of the Month: February 2014

Doug Jones is The Dean's List Bad Ass of the Month for February 2014

Doug is the drummer for the band Imprint and he is a damn good drummer! His talent for the drums makes him a hard rocker but, his "Bad Ass" status comes from being a great friend and family man. Doug rocks not only on the drums but in life as well! So check out The Dean's List Bad Ass of the Month for February 2014: Doug F'n Jones!!!

Check out Imprint on: Reverbnation.com as well as on Facebook and tell'em Dean sent ya!

Hottie of the Month: February 2014

Candy Mefferd from Nebraska is The Dean's List Hottie of the Month for February 2014!

This hard rocking metal hottie sent in a few pics and not to disappoint the fans, I will be posting them following her bio. Candy appreciates all forms of music from rock,country, rap, metal and has even been known to attend a few musicals and symphonies. She loves the outdoors and is a frequent golfer. She's made a lot of friends in the industry and have enjoyed rocking out with the best of them. This young lady rocks out and loves to party hard with the bands and friends that she's made. The Dean's List is proud to present the Hottie of the Month for February 2014: Candy Mefferd