Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Two, Freddy's Coming For You

In the '80s there were tons of horror movies and one of the few that scared me was A Nightmare On Elm Street. I remember when Nightmare 3 came out and my friends were talking about getting their parents to take them to see it. I didn't wanna be left out so I told them I would see it with my mom at night! Yeah, that showed them and the fact that my mom went to see it was cool. The best part was when she brought me her ticket stub. I took it to school monday to prove how much of a "big boy" or "tough guy" I was and then I met my first problem... One of my friends had actually seen it and when I started talking about it he would laugh and say it wasn't how that happened. I was crushed cause he knew I was lying and I hadn't seen the movie. I admitted to him that I was scared when we talked at lunch, he knew I was just trying to be "big" in front of my friends. It wasn't until I got older that I actually watched it. The guy never told anyone that I was lying about seeing the movie but he reminded me of it the other day when we crossed paths. He has kids now and his oldest did the same thing that I did. We laughed and had a good time reminiscing. Strange how one thing can still make you remember the good ol' days... "HOLLA!"
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sometimes I'd Like To...

Let loose on folks that get "mouthy" with me. As a child, I wouldn't hesitate to "knuckle-up" and go head to head with someone. Then as I grew up, I found out that you can't really do that without great consequences. Now it seems that if you barely touch someone on the shoulder, they can sue if it's an unwanted advance. I remember a time where men were men and if they had an issue, they'd kindly step outside and whip each other's ass. Amazingly if they weren't too bad off, they would shake hands and have a beer and/or laughs. Oh well, that's one vent...

I'd also like to revert back to a simpler time and enjoy that time with friends and family. Give me some good folks, good tunes and good times any day! I dig sitting around with friends/family, having dinner and watching a movie or playing some games. It just feels like home, ya know?! :)

Thanks for letting me vent and sorry for not updating as much as the past month or so :)
Also, thanks for the support! You Rock!

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Cue The Theme From SWAT

This is what you may come up against if you face Team Elite at Battlefield Knoxville. The refs and the team were cracking up cause our opponents lowered their guns and tried to pick their jaws off of the floor. It was a fun skit but after the initial shock wore off, I was put out of the game pretty quickly. Team Elite meets every Monday from 6pm until there's no more challengers. So come on out to Battlefield Knoxville and challenge Team Elite or find us on Facebook at

Battlefield Knoxville
9329 Kingston Pike
Knoxville TN 37922
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Battlefield Knoxville

If you've ever wanted to be in a life-like video game, this is your place! Like all of your first person shooters, Battlefield Knoxville offers the life-like experience of combat in the form of laser tag. Knoxville has only had one laser tag business for years and finally, we have a great place to have fun at with friends. The difference between BFK and the other guys are the Combat Refs! My opinion will be given after I pick my jaw up off the floor... Refs that go by the names: Joker, Outlaw, Raider, Ghost, Shadow, Matrix, Money, Swaggy, Ryder, Ranger and Havok, there may be more by the time you read this. They are awesome and you can challenge them for the chance to win prizes and the respect of the refs. Ok, before I get on a tangent about the refs and how good they are and how great they look, let's get back to the game!

Whew, could've gotten into trouble there... Anyway, BFK has different games to play and they also have some Xbox 360 games that you can play while the missions are going on. The price of the games may very due to the specials they have and they're always doing something special for their followers on Twitter @BattlefieldKnox or for their friends on Facebook! So check'em out and tell'em Dean from Team ElitE sent ya!

Battlefield Knoxville
9329 Kingston Pike
Knoxville Tn 37922

Party rooms available for events
12 fully equipped video game stations
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