Monday, September 30, 2013

Top 5 Reasons The Government Is Close To A Shutdown

5. They're a bunch of whiny cry-babies that can't really get anything done
4. They're trying to appeal A-Rod's Suspension
3. They're waiting on the Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. to secretly get the job done for them
2. Most of them are being influenced by Trevor from Grand Theft Auto V
1. They had a Breaking Bad marathon before the final episode

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September's Hottie And Bad Ass Of The Month

We'll start off with our Bad Ass of the Month: Sgt Russ Dixon
I had the privilege of meeting this man in high school and seeing his goofiness first hand. When I found out that he had joined the Marines, I figured he'd do well because he had taught me that there was a time to be goofy (Senior year LOL) and a time to be serious. Russ was a class clown that when called upon to do serious things such as lead a platoon in NJROTC, he would not hesitate and would succeed in his work.
Sgt. Russ Dixon, I am happy to call you a friend, thank you for your service and proudly call you a "Bad Ass"!

Our Hottie of the Month is: Kiddo Beatrix
As you can see, she's dressed up like everyone's favorite Ninja Turtle female reporter: April O'Neil!
She enjoys cosplay, I always called it dress up, but she pulls this off and has made Ms. O'Neil even hotter!
Kiddo is a really sarcastic and fun loving girl that has won a place not only into the heart of The Dean's List, but into the hearts of all of the fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by wearing this costume and for that... You Ms. Beatrix are September's Hottie of the Month!

Wanna be the next Hottie or Bad Ass of the Month?
Email me at with your info, a picture (not nude guys or girls) and what month you'd like to be on. October is taken for both Hottie and Bad Ass, so November and December of this year are still open. Next year is open as well but we'll get to that soon :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Off My Game Lately

The Dean's List has been on a hiatus as of late and that has been due to laziness and other things that I won't mention at this time...

I have however, created two podcasts that are still in the infancy stages and I'm working on getting things back on track. Thank you all for being patient with me and stay tuned for the Hottie/Bad Ass of the Month as well as Got Jokes? :)
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