Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It Has Been A While

I have been away for a bit and wanted to let you all know why.

Last year my life had some changes in it that made me a better person. Happier times were on my agenda and some stuff had to change for those to happen.

Unfortunately, my podcast died due to lack of heart and enthusiasm. When your not passionate about what you're doing, it is time to find your passion again. I took time away and noticed that I was pumping out money each month to talk on a show that after a while, only a handful of people were really listening to.

My son and I have grown closer and that is so awesome! We hang out as much as we can and always have a blast. I really want him to be better than me in life, school, and anything that he puts his mind to doing.

My professional life has also changed for the better and it continues to be a blessing. My boss and I are constantly trying to keep folks laughing. The day goes better when it is fun.

All in all, my time away has been very beneficial to not only myself, but my family as well. I haven't given up on the show or this site, so be aware: When a seed is planted, it can grow if nurtured or die if forgotten. There are still rumblings in the basement and I hear them knocking at the door.

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