Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

To all of the men and women in the military.

Without your dedication and perseverance through good and bad times, our freedoms would be lost. Thank you for everything you do.

Every member of our military should be held with the highest respect. They lose their lives protecting our way of life, so we can be free to do whatever it is that we want.

These men and women are awesome and without their sacrifices, we would lose everything. So take a moment and thank them, buy their meal, or just show them respect for what they do.

Gotta Catch Them All!

New episodes coming June 1st!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Extreme Rules 2016

The Club...

From Bullet Club to The Club... ehh?!?

Not knocking Anderson, Gallows, and Styles in this, but why in the world would WWE creative come up with a name for this three man team by conjuring up memories of a steering wheel locking mechanism?

In Japan, they were in the faction called the Bullet Club. This "nWo-esque" group became the talk of the wrestling world, at least with hardcore fans. The WWE is marketed towards children and the kids only know what they see on tv. Some really great wrestling isn't on tv and the little ones don't know who guys like Kenny Omega, Ricochet, Dalton Castle, Jax Dane, Raymond Rowe, and The Young Bucks are. For example, I introduced my son to the "non-mainstream" wrestling shows and he was in awe. He turns after seeing Kota Ibushi vs Kenny Omega and asks, Why are they not in the WWE? I have to say each time that I don't know.

My son loves wrestling just like I do and has started watching Lucha Underground. His favorite is Pentagon Jr. and through the show is learning Spanish.

Back to the topic at hand, The Club...
This incarnation of the Bullet Club is great for the hardcore fans, but strange for the casual watcher. Then a generic name to replace the copyrighted Bullet Club moniker is put into place so all parties are safe from litigation. I hope that it all works out for The Club because it definitely sounds better than "The Bloodline".

Strictly my opinion on this folks :)

Thursday, May 19, 2016


"We're friends but we don't get along"

It amazes me when people talk about their friends like they hate them. I mean I understand when a friend's actions make them look stupid or something, but when the friend hasn't done anything to deserve that hate makes the other person look like an enemy.

Some folks don't know that they're being hated on and some do, but don't care. The question I have is: "How do you deal with a frienemy?"

A Change of Habit?!?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Horror Movie Fanatic


I blame my mother for my horror fixation. She introduced me to her favorite scary movie: Halloween (1978). Mom showed me the tv version as a young child because, boobies and blood was a bad thing. As I got older, my love for horror became a fun addition to our routine before the Halloween holiday. We watched those movies and enjoyed the talks we had afterwards. 

This year's 31 Days will have the beginning of franchises and some special movies thrown in as well. This year I will be honoring a good friend and fellow comedian, Kenn Webb, with "The Webby Awards". This year will be a restart for the 31 Days of Horror and I'm gonna enjoy this so much! 

Evolution of Captain America

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cyber Police

Our culture has become soft, self indulgent, whiney babies.

As generations pass, we lose a great deal of knowledge and strength. For those few that have learned from the past, you will continue the teachings of a firm foundation to build their lives and beliefs on. Others get upset when the breeze doesn't blow their way and in turn, get furious and try to keep everyone from enjoying the breeze from that point on.

People need to grow up and be stronger than before. Just my thoughts on the subject.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

Looks like we'll be seeing this movie on opening weekend!

Marvel seems to have their finger on the proverbial pulse of comic book fans and provide a great movie watching experience. The past movies have been fantastic to watch and give the desire to re-watch more than once. The cinematic universe is definitely better than the animated films. DC Comics has them cornered when it comes to the "cartoon movies", at least that is my opinion.

Civil War is going to be awesome and I'm predicting that the future Marvel features will be just as fun.