Friday, November 30, 2012

Marco Corleone (Wrestler/Actor/Cool Guy)

Thank you so much for taking time for this interview. First off, how have you been?

The first time I met you was when you were with the WWE and I was parking cars at the arena in Knoxville Tn. You didn't know me but you talked with me for what seemed like ten or twenty minutes. I asked you then for advice on how to get into wrestling and you went through all the steps with me. Do you always take time to speak with the fans when you have a chance?

Marco: When I have the chance I will.

Your story starts in 2000 while training at the WCW Power Plant, how was the experience there being trained by "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and "Sarge"?

Marco: The wcw power plant was cool but I didn't really learn how to work there. We were trained incredible athletes but we put too much emphasis on that I thought. Sarge was a hard trainer but we were in shape and Paul orndorff was a legend. It was great to hear all of his stories.

Also in 2000 you formed a tag team with Sean O'Haire. The team reminded me of the Hardy Boyz in the WWF, but there was something different about you two. You both went on to form the Natural Born Thrillers, how did that faction or stable really come about?

Marco:The stable of ours came about because it was our crew from the power plant. Me, ohaire, palumbo, sanders, Reno, stasiak. It was our close group of friends and all the guys who came up together. It was fun starting oft being in a group w ur friends

In 2001 WCW was purchased by the WWE and you were on the indy circuit. Did those experiences help you later on in your career?

Marco: I went to OVW after the sale of wcw. There I was in a camp with orton, Bautista, lesnar, Benjamin, haas, bashams, Eugene, heidenreich, etc etc etc. it was where I started to learn to work under the observation of Danny Davis and Jim corenette and rip Rodgers

During those "Indy" days you suffered injuries, do you look at injuries as set backs or does it give you more fuel to add to the fire?

Marco: Injuries are part of the business. I feel my career has been pretty free of bad stuff to my body so I just wrestle and train everyday to avoid injuries

In 2004 while in the WWE you donned the moniker "The Reflection Of Perfection", even using the "Perfect-Plex" if I recall that correctly. Was this your homage to Curt Hennig?

Marco: That character was a fusion of Rick rude and mr perfect. Those were my Favorites growing up and liked their characters hence "reflection of perfection"

In 2005 the WWE released you but you quickly found work in Japan. Did the Japanese wrestling fans throw you a curve with how reserved the can be?

Marco: Japan was an awesome experience but I felt it was too far away from my part of the world and found Mexico to be more satisfying

In 2006 you started working in Mexico under the name Marco Corleone. Did you take the name from The Godfather movie?

Marco: The name marco Corleone came from mark-marco and Corleone as a generic Italian name like in godfather movie

In 2008 you were "banned" from wrestling due to pulling the tights of another wrestler down... Umm, REALLY? Please elaborate on this...

Marco: No I was suspended for a year but because someone pulled my pants down to where my butcheek was exposed. I was in a cage match. When I was going to climb over the cage a wrestler as a mild joke pulled a little bit of my trunks down. I was more concerned with getting safely down that shitty old cage than pulling my trunks up. So my butcheek was exposed like 10 seconds and hence they suspended me for a year. Silly but wish they would change it on my Wikipedia page!

You've been wrestling now for twelve or so years and it seems like yesterday when you started. Do you ever stop and look back on everything you've accomplished?

Marco: Yeah I've been wrestling 14 years and its seems like nothing. I love it in Mexico and now have been acting and wrestling here for almost 7 years.

Is there a dream match you'd like to have and with who?

Marco: My dream match would be probably a huge hair vs hair match in Arena Mexico

Again thank you so much for the interview and I wish you all the best! Stay tuned to find out who made, The Dean's List!
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that all of you that read this are enjoying the time you share with family and friends. Be thankful for those around you, they will help you become the person you are to be.

I am thankful for all the folks, good and bad, that have been in my life. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be who I am today!

Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner!
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Friday, November 16, 2012


Yes folks, that's me in the blue dress! LoL
It was a fun night and we had a blast doing what we do... being goofy! I got to tell some jokes and the crowd was really into it. I am very proud to say that I had raised a good amount of money for the event and I am proud of those that donated money!!!

It was a great night and I am very thankful to Side Splitters for nominating me and having the confidence in me to rock the house! Goodwill is a great non-profit business that I am proud to be apart of and will help out when needed!

Thanx to everyone that participated and that helped spread the word about the show!!! "HOLLA!"
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Moving... and all that follows

I'm moving into a house and it's the first move as an adult. You'd think it wouldn't be that weird but I had always been able to give my mom a call and she would answer all my questions and such.

In July 2003, I moved into the very apartment I am now leaving. My landlord has been very good to me and has helped me during trying times. I'm gonna miss the old place! It's been my fortress of solitude for nine plus years. I'm ready for the new challenges that await... LOL "Keep moving forward!"

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Time Away...

I took some time away to just relax after the 31 Days Of Horror theme I had for October. In my time away I still had to work and answer to "the man". I wish that I could just work on the things that made me or my friends and family happy. I get frustrated a lot at work, not the comedian job but my "pays the bills" job, it seems like there's not enough hours in the day to get the job done and when you do... no one says thank you.

So I took time away and during that well appreciated siesta, I had some ideas! We'll have a Babe and Dude of the Month starting in January. Hopefully they'll be honored and grace The Dean's List with a picture of themselves so we can promote them and their many talents. Also I will begin the official second season of The Dean's List on YouTube in January. I'm doing things a little different this go around and I hope you like it. Any entertainers, bands, wrestlers, comedians, etc. wanna be on just email me at and we'll schedule the interview.

November is a month of "Thankfulness" and I'm very thankful for all of you that read these posts. "HOLLA!" and "see who made, The Dean's List"
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Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2 Remember

I'd like to take a moment and look back at this year... Ok, that was fun!

This year has been a roller coaster of good and bad times. The proverbial highs and lows have been just that and I'm ready to take next year by the throat, squeeze the life from everyday and be happy! It may last for a week due to certain people, businesses or health issues...

November is a "thankful" month where most folks prepare their home for visitors (friends and family) to partake in holiday festivities. If I had to pin point one thing to be thankful for, it would take me forever to get that single choice and then I probably wouldn't like it and start again. LoL

This month I won't be celebrating Thanksgiving with a marathon of movies like October's "31 Days Of Horror", instead I'll be celebrating with my friends and loved ones as we share what we're thankful for.

Also a quick note, The Dean's List with Dean Jennings is going to be featured on the Black Liver Society website
Please feel free to check it out there because it'll be an experience you don't wanna miss, plus The Dean's List is on it!

Remember, I am very thankful for all of you that read my entries and support my goofiness! Without you, I wouldn't have as much fun on stage while I make a fool of myself :)
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