Monday, November 5, 2012

Time Away...

I took some time away to just relax after the 31 Days Of Horror theme I had for October. In my time away I still had to work and answer to "the man". I wish that I could just work on the things that made me or my friends and family happy. I get frustrated a lot at work, not the comedian job but my "pays the bills" job, it seems like there's not enough hours in the day to get the job done and when you do... no one says thank you.

So I took time away and during that well appreciated siesta, I had some ideas! We'll have a Babe and Dude of the Month starting in January. Hopefully they'll be honored and grace The Dean's List with a picture of themselves so we can promote them and their many talents. Also I will begin the official second season of The Dean's List on YouTube in January. I'm doing things a little different this go around and I hope you like it. Any entertainers, bands, wrestlers, comedians, etc. wanna be on just email me at and we'll schedule the interview.

November is a month of "Thankfulness" and I'm very thankful for all of you that read these posts. "HOLLA!" and "see who made, The Dean's List"
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