Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sevendust: Black Out The Sun

Sevendust returns with an all out assault on their new album 
Black Out The Sun!

The Atlanta-based rockers have put more 'dirt and grit' into this album. The heavy guitar riffs and slamming vocals take me back to their self-titled debut. The viciousness and passion in Lajon Witherspoon's voice can get you to raise your fists with rage and bring you to tears within the very next moment. The title track is the one that hit home the most for me, and like many of the songs that are on the past albums, express the feelings that I and many other fans share. Morgan Rose's drums and screaming backing vocals are just as awesome now as they were when the band formed in 1994. 

In an October 2012 interview, guitarist Clint Lowery described the album as "...a basic Sevendust record stating, "There's nothing, like, too completely different than anything we've done before. It's got a darker vibe to it. We've got a good amount of the programming element in there. It's a lot of what we do. it's heavy and it's got its melodic element in it"--and he was right.
The first track "Memory" is an instrumental of melodic intent, a calm before the storm, that is followed by "Faithless"--an unapologetic Sevendust song that shows the fans that they are here and they mean business.

"Till Death" is a HEAVY song with gutteral vocals that can rival a death metal band and ferocious drums that a "thundergod" would appreciate. This track is an anthem, if not the anthem, of the album.

Songs like "Mountain," that give a "southern type of feel," along with the groove inspired "Nobody Wants It" and "Cold As A War," have the perfect balance of aggressiveness and melody. "Decay," the lead single, is a prime example of this as well.

In an interview with frontman Lajon, he talked about the track by saying, “It turned into Clint [Lowery] writing about his father passing on.” He went on to say, “As we’ve gotten older, we see death in a different way; it’s our fathers and our mothers and grandparents 
– as older men we can put these emotions to our music.”

Lajon's soulfulness shines in the melodic songs "Dead Roses," "Dark AM," and "Picture Perfect," while "Got A Feeling" is a heartwarming surprise on the record. Clint Lowery's soft vocals along with Lajon's work very well in the chorus of this song.

Guitarists John Connolly and Clint Lowery provide awesome riffs throughout the album, while Vinnie Hornsby kicks it steadily and forcefully on the bass. Morgan Rose destroys the drums and shreds with his "banshee-like" screams. Lajon's vocals are soulful and killer, which gives every Sevendust fan what they want--Sevendust at their very best!

Black Out The Sun is available today.

On The Dean's List Music Scale
1 - Really?!?
2 - Not Their Best Work
3 - Sit Back And Enjoy
4 - Definitely Worth Telling Folks About
5 - Buy It Now, Buy It For Your Friends 'Cause It's That Good

Black Out The Sun gets: 5 - Buy It Now, Buy It For Your Friends 'Cause It's That Good

Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 5 Reasons Independent Wrestling Is Better Than The Big Federations

5. The talent is hungrier for chance to succeed
4. The creative freedom to develop a character
3. The stories on the road
2. Not being stuck with crappy entrance music
1. The fans

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Top 5 Memorable Wrestling Moments

5. RAW IS JERICHO (RAW August 9 1999)
4. Triple H returns from quad surgery (RAW January 7 2002)
3. CM Punk wins the WWE Championship then leaves the company (Money In The Bank July 17 2011)
2. Hogan turns on the fans and forms the nWo (Bash At The Beach July 7 1996)
1. The Montreal Screwjob (Survivor Series 1997 Bret Hart Vs Shawn Michaels)

Don't agree or have your own Top 5 List? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Call

WWE Studios' new feature film "The Call", Halle Berry plays Jordan Turner, a 911 dispatcher that is called by a young girl (played by Abigail Breslin) who has just been abducted. She soon realizes that she must confront a killer from her past in order to save this girl's life.

On The Dean's List Movie Scale
1- "I'll Never Tell" anything good about this!
2- "Dazed & Confused" from watching this!
3- "You Only Live Twice" watching again!
4- "Blazing Saddles" can't pull me away!
5- "Rocky" this goes the distance!

The Call gets: 3- "You Only Live Twice" watching again!

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Wrestlemania Food!

This year's Wrestlemania is being built up to be a good one and my friends and I are planning a party with wrestling inspired food. Here's the list as of 3/15/13

(Credit: Ryan Lindsey)
Hogan Leg-Drop Soup 
Sweet Skins Music [Sweet Potato Skins]
Figure Four Leg Chops [Lamb or Pork, Southern Style]

(Credit: Hollyvvood Hunter) 
Carlito Caribbean Cool Ranch Tacos

(Credit: Jim Ogle)
Hacksaw's HOOOOOOOOgies!

(Credit: Ryan Shipley)
Candy Kanes
Junkyard Chili Dogs

(Credit: Jeffery Kincaid)
Michael Cole Slaw
Sexual Chocolate Fondue

(Credit: Brittany Hodge)
Pipers Pit BBQ
Brothers Of Destruction's Tombstone Pizza
CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge

(Credit: Joe Mathews)
Triple H "Squash" Sticks with Ultimate Warrior Sauce
Stevewiser (Budwiser Beer)

(Credit: Dean Jennings)
"Randy Savage Elbow Drop" Macaroni w/ bacon bits
"Sheamus Brogue Kick" Dip
Bob Backlaund's Crossface Chicken Wings
Alberto Del Rio's "Destiny Nachos"
Primetime Players' Poppers
Brodus Clay's Funkasaurus Burgers with Sweet T
Kelly Kelly Krispy Treats (2 Rice Krispy Treats with vanilla frosting in the middle)
3 Man Band Meal (Wendy's Burger, Chips and Frosty)
Honky Tonk Man's Shake Rattle and Egg Rolls
Piper's Pit Roast (Pot Roast)
Santino's Cobra Sticks (Mozzarella Sticks)
Undertaker's "Streak" Tips (Steak Tips)
CM Punk's GTS (Great Tasting Steak)
Team Hell No's Fiery Veggie Sandwich
Antonio Cesaro's Salad (Cesar Salad)

Wanna add to the list? Post your 'Mania Food Names here or Tweet me @thedeanjennings or you can message me on Facebook.com/thedeanjennings

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Bucket List

Two years ago today I lost my mother and I've not really been myself since. I've been on auto-pilot for what feels like an eternity. There have been people in my life that I pushed away because it feels like anyone that gets close to me end up leaving, either by their choice or mine. Nonetheless, to those that I've pushed away I am truly sorry.

Now, the main reason for today was my "Bucket List" and what is on my bucket list...

*Not In Order*

To wrestle one memorable match
To go to Wrestlemania once in my life
To headline a comedy show
To get married... one day (LoL)
To meet Andrew Dice Clay (My comedy idol)
To get out of debt (may take my whole life)
To see Sevendust in concert (had to work everytime they've been in town)
To go to Tokyo, Japan
To go to Madison Square Garden

I'm sure there's more, but I can only think of these right now. What's on your "Bucket List" ?
Post a comment
Email me at deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com
Facebook me facebook.com/thedeanjennings
Tweet me @thedeanjennings
I'd love to hear from ya

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Top 5 Driver Needs

5. A valid address
4. Two or more contact numbers
3. Fuel
2. Help with loading/unloading equipment
1. A clean bathroom

Yes, I am currently a delivery driver working on my comedy career. This is the top 5 that most drivers would agree with me on.

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top 5 WWE Title Flops

5. The WWE Title that The Rock Unveiled at RAW (Not as bad as the "Spinner" but still sucks)
4. The NXT Title (UGH!!!)
3. The WWECW Title (Yeah, you read that right! The hideous ECW Silver Title)
2. The Divas Title (A Tramp Stamp for a championship? So that's why the real talent left)
1. The WWE Spinner Titles (Cena/Edge/Miz/United States... All garbage belts!)

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

March's "Bad Ass of the Month"

Spoony Mack is The Dean's List's "Bad Ass of the Month" for the month of March!
Spoony is a professional wrestler from Tennessee and a die-hard Deadpool (Marvel Comics) Fan. We at The Dean's List salute you Spoony Mack, you are a legitimate "BAD ASS"!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Top 5 Reasons The Undertaker Is The Man!

5. Who else could enter an arena with a Johnny Cash song as their theme?
4. The Streak at Wrestlemania will be a lifetime goal for some superstars.
3. The fact that people my age still freeze up when we hear a bell toll!
2. He wrestled with a broken orbital bone and wore a fairly scary mask doing so.
1. He is and forever will be: "The Deadman" and one of the cornerstones of the WWE!

Don't agree? Send comments to deanjenningscomedy@gmail.com or find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/thedeanjennings and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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Friday, March 1, 2013

March's "Hottie of the Month"

April Carey is our "Hottie of the Month" for March and wanna give Hal Wade Photography a big shout-out for the use of this picture!

April is a good friend of mine and models periodically, so if you want some info and you're a LEGIT photographer, send me a message and I'll let her know.

Wanna be the next "Hottie of the Month" ?
Send me a message for details
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