Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Bucket List

Two years ago today I lost my mother and I've not really been myself since. I've been on auto-pilot for what feels like an eternity. There have been people in my life that I pushed away because it feels like anyone that gets close to me end up leaving, either by their choice or mine. Nonetheless, to those that I've pushed away I am truly sorry.

Now, the main reason for today was my "Bucket List" and what is on my bucket list...

*Not In Order*

To wrestle one memorable match
To go to Wrestlemania once in my life
To headline a comedy show
To get married... one day (LoL)
To meet Andrew Dice Clay (My comedy idol)
To get out of debt (may take my whole life)
To see Sevendust in concert (had to work everytime they've been in town)
To go to Tokyo, Japan
To go to Madison Square Garden

I'm sure there's more, but I can only think of these right now. What's on your "Bucket List" ?
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