Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sevendust: Black Out The Sun

Sevendust returns with an all out assault on their new album 
Black Out The Sun!

The Atlanta-based rockers have put more 'dirt and grit' into this album. The heavy guitar riffs and slamming vocals take me back to their self-titled debut. The viciousness and passion in Lajon Witherspoon's voice can get you to raise your fists with rage and bring you to tears within the very next moment. The title track is the one that hit home the most for me, and like many of the songs that are on the past albums, express the feelings that I and many other fans share. Morgan Rose's drums and screaming backing vocals are just as awesome now as they were when the band formed in 1994. 

In an October 2012 interview, guitarist Clint Lowery described the album as "...a basic Sevendust record stating, "There's nothing, like, too completely different than anything we've done before. It's got a darker vibe to it. We've got a good amount of the programming element in there. It's a lot of what we do. it's heavy and it's got its melodic element in it"--and he was right.
The first track "Memory" is an instrumental of melodic intent, a calm before the storm, that is followed by "Faithless"--an unapologetic Sevendust song that shows the fans that they are here and they mean business.

"Till Death" is a HEAVY song with gutteral vocals that can rival a death metal band and ferocious drums that a "thundergod" would appreciate. This track is an anthem, if not the anthem, of the album.

Songs like "Mountain," that give a "southern type of feel," along with the groove inspired "Nobody Wants It" and "Cold As A War," have the perfect balance of aggressiveness and melody. "Decay," the lead single, is a prime example of this as well.

In an interview with frontman Lajon, he talked about the track by saying, “It turned into Clint [Lowery] writing about his father passing on.” He went on to say, “As we’ve gotten older, we see death in a different way; it’s our fathers and our mothers and grandparents 
– as older men we can put these emotions to our music.”

Lajon's soulfulness shines in the melodic songs "Dead Roses," "Dark AM," and "Picture Perfect," while "Got A Feeling" is a heartwarming surprise on the record. Clint Lowery's soft vocals along with Lajon's work very well in the chorus of this song.

Guitarists John Connolly and Clint Lowery provide awesome riffs throughout the album, while Vinnie Hornsby kicks it steadily and forcefully on the bass. Morgan Rose destroys the drums and shreds with his "banshee-like" screams. Lajon's vocals are soulful and killer, which gives every Sevendust fan what they want--Sevendust at their very best!

Black Out The Sun is available today.

On The Dean's List Music Scale
1 - Really?!?
2 - Not Their Best Work
3 - Sit Back And Enjoy
4 - Definitely Worth Telling Folks About
5 - Buy It Now, Buy It For Your Friends 'Cause It's That Good

Black Out The Sun gets: 5 - Buy It Now, Buy It For Your Friends 'Cause It's That Good

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