Monday, June 24, 2013

Top 5 Heel Turns In Wrestling

5. The Rock turning on "The People" at Survivor Series
4. Triple H turning on Shawn Michaels on RAW
3. Hulk Hogan turning on WCW at Bash At The Beach
2. Andre The Giant turning on Hulk Hogan in Piper's Pit
1. Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Janetty in "The Barber Shop"

The Shawn Michaels/Marty Janetty story was one I never thought would happen. As a kid, it shocked me and made me hate Shawn Michaels. I used to walk away when he would come to the ring and come back after he had won or lost. It messed with me that much. It wasn't until his run as a "face" or good guy that I started to appreciate the talent that he had. HBK's turn on Hogan was unexpected as well but I understood why he did it and that's why the Michaels/Janetty Split is number one on the list.

Andre The Giant turning on Hogan surprised me a great deal again because I was a young child and still very new to the world of wrestling. Hogan turning on WCW was something no one ever thought would happen and yet it did. It was the catalyst that spawned the real "Monday Night Wars" between WCW and WWF. Triple H throwing HBK's head through a car window was the moment that confused a number of fans and when Trips gave his reasons for doing this atrocious act, blaming HBK for leaving him holding the bag for the "Madison Square Garden Kliq Moment", it showed a more devilish version of The Cerebral Assassin. The Rock turning on "The People" and joining "The Corporation" was appalling, especially after the fans had embraced The Rock and made him their champion. Winning the WWF title by screwing over Mankind was just the icing on the cake for Rocky and the sky was the limit after that.

Don't agree or have a favorite "Heel Turn" that wasn't on the list? Send comments to or find me on Facebook and on Twitter @TheDeanJennings

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