Sunday, October 5, 2014

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 5

A pair of teenage girls are headed to a rock concert for one's birthday. While trying to score marijuana in the city, the girls are kidnapped by a gang of psychotic convicts.

I have seen a fair number of movies with unpleasant subject matter and repellent characters, but I have never despised any film as much as this one. I think it may be a perverse testament to its impact that even reminding myself " it's only a movie" doesn't help. I've read all the arguments in its favor and seen a TV interview with Wes Craven talking about the impact of the Vietnam war on his direction, and I still cannot think of one positive thing to say about it.Even the equally vile I Spit On Your Grave wasn't as disturbing as this. For me, there is not one redeeming feature about this

On The Dean's List Scale:
Last House On The Left (1972) gets

4 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball!

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