Monday, October 6, 2014

31 Days Of Horror 2014: Day 6

I first saw Blade with my girlfriend at the time, her best friend, and my best friend at a local theater. I loved the movie and not because of the whole "I'm with my girlfriend" thing. It was a movie that grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. However, the girlfriend did let go of me shortly after this "date".

Blade is considered an action movie and not of the horror genre. I disagree with this and did my research on the character as well as the "horror genre". Blade, being half vampire, is the only proof that one would need to justify the "horror" aspect. The old monster movies of Frankenstein and Dracula are also evidence in this argument. "But it's a comic book movie!" True, it is based on a comic book, but have you not seen Dracula in comic books?!?

The fact that Blade is half human/half vampire gives the horror prestige to this film and the following sequels. There isn't a lot of scares in this but, it does have some gore (CGI'd, but still). I recommend this to anyone that is a vampire movie fan as well as horror geeks like myself.

On The Dean's List Scale:
Blade gets
4 - Am I In "Phantasm"? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball!

Model: Brooke Peterson / Photographer: Tonya Cinnamon

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