Sunday, April 9, 2017

Ghostbusters (2016)

Ghostbusters 2016... A review of a movie some people didn't want.

This movie has so much hatred toward it and I honestly didn't know why, until I watched it. Yes they pay homage to the original, in their own way. No it isn't a sequel to the original. No it isn't even in the same "universe" as the original. It had some funny moments, but not enough for my liking since there were Saturday Night Live cast members in the film. I took a step back, said to myself, "Give it a chance", and I was still let down. I just wish that the movie has been better than it was hyped up to be. My son liked it a lot and was mad at me for not liking it. Surprisingly enough, I don't hate the movie. It wasn't made for me, nor was it made for hardcore Ghostbusters fans. It was made for the folks that just wanna turn off and enjoy a movie. I guarantee that if I had seen this as a child, it would've been a favorite of mine. I can't say anything bad about it other than it wasn't for me.

Ghostbusters  (2016) gets a:
Not For Me Rating

1 comment:

  1. I agree, if you grew up with the originals this was not your cup of tea. It reminded me of the original scooby doo movie. I'd give it a C-
