Monday, April 3, 2017

Wrestlemania 33

Wrestlemania is and will always be, the showcase of the immortals.

Let me make this clear: I am not here to critique nor criticize the performers in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

I watched with my son as we saw match after match on Sunday and were amazed at the abilities these men and women have. I felt like I was ten years old again watching the WWE Superstars and cheering the ones I root for. We laughed, we stood in amazement, and we thanked the Undertaker (I'm our own way). It was a night of great matches, picking favorites, and just having fun.

On the opposite side of the coin, others criticize booking, performers, and even other fans. When did this start? When did people stop having fun at a wrestling show? I will probably never know and truthfully, I don't wanna hear an excuse about it. Start having fun again people. Love or hate Roman Reigns! As long as there is a reaction, positive or negative, he will always be on screen. The same is said about John Cena, Triple H, and others that fans deem "not worthy of their time". As an adult, I cheer for who I like and boo for who I despise.  The ten year old Dean is just excited to watch, be in the presence of, and know some of the wrestlers.

Thank you to all of the performers! Without your sacrifices we would be stuck watching movies and itching for more. Just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It was absolutely amazing and I loved every minute. Love or hate they will still be there making money!
