Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Days Of xXx-Mas: Day 1

It's time for some festive events, little get togethers, and secret Santas!

This year I'm hoping to get fans and friends involved with this festive get together called the 25 Days of xXx-Mas! Immediately folks see the "xXx-Mas" and think that I'm trying to take Christ out of Christmas or that it's gonna be some perverted bunch of crap... Truth is, I called it "xXx-Mas" based on my naughty carols and it stuck.

Now to begin the first day, someone sent me the "naughty elf" pic above. Not sure if it's that person or if it's a pic that they found. Either way please enjoy and if you have a Naughty Elf pic you wanna send in like this one, a Best or Worst Christmas Present Story, Best or Worst Christmas Memory, Your Christmas Traditions, or anything like that... Oh, I didn't wanna forget the folks that celebrate Hannakuh or Kwanza, so send in your versions of these as well :)
Send to and I'll get it on here for you, just include your name or an alias and where you're from :)

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, Merry Kwanza, and have a very Happy Festivus!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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