Thursday, December 13, 2012

Urban Enough???

I saw a clip of a reporter of sorts, if you will, talking about Robert Griffin III and being and African American male that doesn't want to be defined as an African American.

Rob Parker asked: Is he a "Brother" or a "Cornball Brother" ?
I'm not sure what a "Cornball Brother" is but I'm pretty sure that is a racist comment directed from a man of color to another man of color. If a White man had said the things that Mr. Parker had said, there would've been an outrage of emotions and everything that follows in such moments. This man brought to the forefront that RG3 is a Republican and that he's engaged to a White woman. Is this stuff really news worthy or is it just some asshole wanting to get folks to read and/or watch his segment on tv or an article that he has written.

My opinion is that this gentleman and I use the term very loosely, shouldn't bring anyone's beliefs, their political views or who they are getting married to into a segment on ESPN. Unless it is sports related, shut the hell up! I can't stand racist assholes and I will not tolerate it! it's 2012 almost 2013 and this is plain as day proof that racisim is still prevalent in our culture. Don't hate, there's always someone a bit bigger than you that will whip that candy ass if you start!

My name is Dean Jennings and I'm the man for the job. So if ya can't get close enough to feel me, HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!

NO H8!!!

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