Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Shit The Bed: A Note To Performers

As a performer/entertainer, we know when we've phoned in a performance. Our body language changes, we down the performance/the crowd/give any excuse and then we realize that it's our own undoing.

Here's some helpful hints that seem to work for me, so I don't "Shit the Bed":

Step 1 - Clear your head
Get whatever is bothering you outta your head because it'll muck up your set.

Step 2 - Breathe
Take some deep breaths and push out all the negative bs that has you preoccupied

Step 3 - Build your energy
I tend to stay in the shadows and bounce around like a professional fighter before the fight of their life. Play chess or something if that's what builds your energy. Just build yourself up so you can rock!

Step 4 - Go out and rock the crowd
Simple as that

That's what I do and if it works for ya, use it... If not, take what you can use and build around it. Just remember, those people in the audience paid to be entertained and it's our job to do it.

From News From The Fat-Line and The Dean's List, I'm Dean Jennings saying:"Don't Shit The Bed!"

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Got Jokes? - Matt Ward

The comedy of Matt Ward is a unique blend of informative and downright silly, but elegantly served with a thoughtful topping. Matt and I have shared a stage a time or two and have had a blast making the folks in the audience laugh until they're hurting.

Be sure to check out his website
and follow him on Twitter (@mattwardcomedy)

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

A WWE Cartoon

Back in 1985 after Wrestlemania, kids found a new cartoon on Saturday mornings called Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling! Speed things up almost thirty years and the adults and kids are asking, "Where's our WWE Cartoon?"

I was lucky to have seen the original "then-WWF" cartoon that showcased the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation and that may be why those people are so beloved to all of us "80's kids". So why not have the current WWE roster in a cartoon? You could have them on zany adventures and strange pairings with a wholesome story. You already have WWE Kids Magazine and every WWE Superstar has been illustrated for it. Why not make this happen? If a Superstar is injured, they can do voice work on the show and the legends of the WWE can always make an appearance! Think about it WWE, it could bring in some great revenue and spark another generation to love and hold these superstars near to their hearts.

#LoveScaresAndFoldingChairs #LSAFC

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Weddings For Exes...

Ever been invited by an ex to come to their wedding? Did you go or not?

I was asked to be at one of my high school ex's wedding and that she'd like me to meet her soon to be husband. Here's the thing people need to know about me: I'm goofy as all outside and if given a potential "stage", I'm gonna put on a performance that would rival any Hollywood actor.

I go to the wedding and sit on the bride's side of the church. Her mother sees me, greets me and said some very sweet things to me. So does her newly turned eighteen year old sister. (YOWZA, Sis grew up nice!) Nonetheless, her father finally sees me and extends his hand for a handshake. I'm surprised due to the fact he said she could do better than me until he finally saw me on stage after she and I broke up. He pulls me close and says: That should've been you...

Working for him would've been hell and as much as the family rocked, I would've been extremely miserable. As I approach the bride and groom, she tensed up, hugs me and whispers: What are you doing here? Yes folks, I wasn't supposed to be there and she was just being nice. I shook ol' boys hand said hope you enjoy what I taught her tonight! Grabbed her sister, bounced her on my lap for an hour in the parking lot and french kissed mama! Ok that french kiss was more of a peck on the cheek but it would've made for a great scene in a movie of my life, right? LoL...

And no the people in the picture are not the bride and groom. They know who they are and tell your sister to call me! "HOLLA!!!!!"


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"Got Jokes?" - Tracey MacDonald

Tracey MacDonald has "Got Jokes"!
This talented and funny young lady that hails from Los Angeles, California is a one of a kind. With a take me as I am quality not seen in many performers, Tracey makes you laugh and think with the jokes the she has. Tracey is definitely a comedian that you should know and The Dean's List knows the she's "Got Jokes?"!

Check Tracey MacDonald out at:
and on twitter (@tracemacdonald)

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August's Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month

The Dean's List is proud to bring you August's Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month!

Melissa Coates is an independent wrestler and fitness model. She has been in the ring with some great talent and has been on numerous fitness magazines. With a physique chiseled out of granite and a heart of gold, Melissa Coates has earned her rightful place on The Dean's List. Find her on Twitter (@MelissaCoates) and her website

Brad Cash is an independent wrestler and current champion in the United Wrestling Alliance in Knoxville, Tennessee. His devious tactics have helped him along the way in his road to the championship. It's not his evil ways that make him The Dean's List's Bad Ass of the Month, it's his toughness and ability in the ring that earned him that title. Stepping into the ring with men that are bigger, faster and/or stronger than him and overcoming the opposition is something to be praised. Even if he uses "dirty ways" to win.

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