Thursday, August 1, 2013

August's Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month

The Dean's List is proud to bring you August's Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month!

Melissa Coates is an independent wrestler and fitness model. She has been in the ring with some great talent and has been on numerous fitness magazines. With a physique chiseled out of granite and a heart of gold, Melissa Coates has earned her rightful place on The Dean's List. Find her on Twitter (@MelissaCoates) and her website

Brad Cash is an independent wrestler and current champion in the United Wrestling Alliance in Knoxville, Tennessee. His devious tactics have helped him along the way in his road to the championship. It's not his evil ways that make him The Dean's List's Bad Ass of the Month, it's his toughness and ability in the ring that earned him that title. Stepping into the ring with men that are bigger, faster and/or stronger than him and overcoming the opposition is something to be praised. Even if he uses "dirty ways" to win.

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