Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Shit The Bed: A Note To Performers

As a performer/entertainer, we know when we've phoned in a performance. Our body language changes, we down the performance/the crowd/give any excuse and then we realize that it's our own undoing.

Here's some helpful hints that seem to work for me, so I don't "Shit the Bed":

Step 1 - Clear your head
Get whatever is bothering you outta your head because it'll muck up your set.

Step 2 - Breathe
Take some deep breaths and push out all the negative bs that has you preoccupied

Step 3 - Build your energy
I tend to stay in the shadows and bounce around like a professional fighter before the fight of their life. Play chess or something if that's what builds your energy. Just build yourself up so you can rock!

Step 4 - Go out and rock the crowd
Simple as that

That's what I do and if it works for ya, use it... If not, take what you can use and build around it. Just remember, those people in the audience paid to be entertained and it's our job to do it.

From News From The Fat-Line and The Dean's List, I'm Dean Jennings saying:"Don't Shit The Bed!"

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