Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Days 24 & 25

Day 24: Last Minute Gifts
Gotta run to the store for those last minute gift ideas, only to realize that the shelves are bare and you're in trouble for not preparing better. Yes, I've been there and I learned from this lesson.

Day 25: See Ya Next Year
Welp, Christmas has come and gone...
Soon a new year will begin and Christmas will be right around the corner, I hope you're ready.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Days 16-23

Day 16 - Hanukkah Starts
I don't know much about Hanukkah or Chanukah (that should be proof enough) but I wanted to wish my Jewish friends a Happy one!
Day 17 - The Pains Of Christmas
Some folks have a tough time during this part of the year. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Include them in your festivities and let them know that they are in your hearts.
Day 18 - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
One of the classic Christmas shows that regular tv airs that all of the family will get together and watch. Along with...
Day 19 - Frosty The Snowman
Day 20 - A Charlie Brown Christmas
These shows are incredibly awesome and everybody that I know loves them.
Day 21 - Christmas After Dark
Your significant other may look forward to Christmas for that special night with you because of the gift the have gotten for you to wear or vise versa. Either way, jingle those bells!
Day 22 - School's Out
Kids are ready for the break from school and for all the gifts they will get. The magic of Christmas can be seen in their eyes from day 1 and when they get that oh so special gift, it can makes the meanest of Grinches feel great.
Day 23 - Hanukkah Ends
Eight nights of gifts and all I get is one, I feel let down... LoL

Monday, December 15, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15

Day 11: Remembering Family

These are times when folks remember those that are no longer with us. If you're down due to missing someone who has passed, just remember that they would want you to enjoy your life and times with family and friends.

Day 12: Decorating The House

Like Clark Griswold, it's time to decorate the house with lights and setup some inflatables in the yard for Christmas! However you decorate all I ask is that you have fun with it.

Day 13: Holiday Parties

Whether it's the office party where Sally gets liquor'd up and sleeps with the new guy or if it's the friends yearly get together to toss back a few and catch up on good times. Just remember to designate a driver cause we wanna celebrate next year's party with you!

Day 14: Office Santa

If your office has a Santa or Secret Santa thing, don't buy toilet paper for the gift unless it's a gag gift. People get offended... or so I was told.
Day 15: Dressing Warmer

Bring out the long johns and the fleece pullovers because the temperature is dropping but the night is heating up, unless you're single. If you're single, get some liquor and you'll get the same feeling minus the hibbidy dibbidy. ;)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 8, 9, & 10

Day 8: Christmas Music

Setting Pandora or iHeart Radio on a Christmas station and hearing a classic song by Johnny Mathis or Bing Crosby will fill you to the brim with the holiday spirit. The fun times shared with friends and family singing some traditional or made up Christmas songs is always a "wonderful time of the year" (Pardon the pun). It's a great feeling when you get together and just have fun singing and enjoying the season.

Day 9: Special Treats

Christmas candy is always sweeter and a bit more festive than other holiday candies. So many to choose from and always oh so good. Usually made from a family member passing the knowledge of how to make the treat while teaching a bit about the story of Christmas.

Day 10: Christmas Movies

Fun movies like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation are a tradition in my home. This along with some unconventional Christmas movies like Die Hard, Silent Night Deadly Night, and more are viewed just to mess with people. I love this time of year!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 5, 6, & 7

Day 5: Stockings Hung With Care

Every year we hang stockings for ourselves and our pets. Filling them with little trinkets that we all can enjoy. Showing that we care by giving a little bit more than expected.

Day 6: Decorations On The Tree

The Christmas Tree is a symbol of hope and remembrance. A vision of the past and an outlook for the future. Lightning the tree is shining a light on the past, present, and future so we can look back, appreciate, and prepare for the good times ahead. Each ornament represents a fond memory of friends and family.

Day 7: Fireplace Memories

The crackling of kindling, the scent of cinnamon apple cider, special treats in the oven, and stories being told by the fireplace are great memories from my past. The family gathering together for special times, sharing stories, and enjoying the time together. To me these are the events and memories that make Christmas so special.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 3 & 4

Day 3: The Joy Of Giving

Giving is a gesture that brings people together in a special, unique way. It's not that you are obligated to give someone a gift, it's that you want to give and share the experience with them. You don't have to give material gifts. You can give of your time, experience, and/or yourself.  Just saying...

Day 4: Being Thankful

It's amazing to me at how different people are during the holiday season. Some do not celebrate the same way that I do, yet are filled to the brim with thankful feelings. Some share in the celebration and are miserable for whatever reason. I try to keep a great outlook but it's difficult at times. I am however, thankful for all the things that are in my life and that I own. Some folks just can't be thankful for anything, even if it saved their lives. Try living a thankful life and positive thoughts will start coming your way. I will try as well.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 1&2

Day 1: Getting Gifts

Every year there is more and more emphasis on getting the perfect gift for all the wonderful folks on your list. Some folks just want gift cards, while others want specific items, and then there are those that give you a budget on what to get them. All in all, the perfect gift is that you took the time to show them that you care by getting them a special item that would make them happy.

Day 2: Wrapping Gifts

I cannot wrap a gift to save my life. So if you get a gift from me and it's wrapped, just know I paid extra for it. The wrapping of gifts keeps the items a secret and the receiver may get flustered by the wrapping it's self. I have put small items in small boxes and wrapped them in kiddie paper with cartoons on them. I have also used gift bags as well as newspaper, just as a goof. The fun is seeing the person opening the gift and the smile of surprise as they see the item that they have wanyed for some time. That gives me goosebumps sometimes.  :)