Tuesday, December 2, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 1&2

Day 1: Getting Gifts

Every year there is more and more emphasis on getting the perfect gift for all the wonderful folks on your list. Some folks just want gift cards, while others want specific items, and then there are those that give you a budget on what to get them. All in all, the perfect gift is that you took the time to show them that you care by getting them a special item that would make them happy.

Day 2: Wrapping Gifts

I cannot wrap a gift to save my life. So if you get a gift from me and it's wrapped, just know I paid extra for it. The wrapping of gifts keeps the items a secret and the receiver may get flustered by the wrapping it's self. I have put small items in small boxes and wrapped them in kiddie paper with cartoons on them. I have also used gift bags as well as newspaper, just as a goof. The fun is seeing the person opening the gift and the smile of surprise as they see the item that they have wanyed for some time. That gives me goosebumps sometimes.  :)

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