Thursday, December 4, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 3 & 4

Day 3: The Joy Of Giving

Giving is a gesture that brings people together in a special, unique way. It's not that you are obligated to give someone a gift, it's that you want to give and share the experience with them. You don't have to give material gifts. You can give of your time, experience, and/or yourself.  Just saying...

Day 4: Being Thankful

It's amazing to me at how different people are during the holiday season. Some do not celebrate the same way that I do, yet are filled to the brim with thankful feelings. Some share in the celebration and are miserable for whatever reason. I try to keep a great outlook but it's difficult at times. I am however, thankful for all the things that are in my life and that I own. Some folks just can't be thankful for anything, even if it saved their lives. Try living a thankful life and positive thoughts will start coming your way. I will try as well.

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