Wednesday, December 10, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 8, 9, & 10

Day 8: Christmas Music

Setting Pandora or iHeart Radio on a Christmas station and hearing a classic song by Johnny Mathis or Bing Crosby will fill you to the brim with the holiday spirit. The fun times shared with friends and family singing some traditional or made up Christmas songs is always a "wonderful time of the year" (Pardon the pun). It's a great feeling when you get together and just have fun singing and enjoying the season.

Day 9: Special Treats

Christmas candy is always sweeter and a bit more festive than other holiday candies. So many to choose from and always oh so good. Usually made from a family member passing the knowledge of how to make the treat while teaching a bit about the story of Christmas.

Day 10: Christmas Movies

Fun movies like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation are a tradition in my home. This along with some unconventional Christmas movies like Die Hard, Silent Night Deadly Night, and more are viewed just to mess with people. I love this time of year!

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