Monday, December 15, 2014

25 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15

Day 11: Remembering Family

These are times when folks remember those that are no longer with us. If you're down due to missing someone who has passed, just remember that they would want you to enjoy your life and times with family and friends.

Day 12: Decorating The House

Like Clark Griswold, it's time to decorate the house with lights and setup some inflatables in the yard for Christmas! However you decorate all I ask is that you have fun with it.

Day 13: Holiday Parties

Whether it's the office party where Sally gets liquor'd up and sleeps with the new guy or if it's the friends yearly get together to toss back a few and catch up on good times. Just remember to designate a driver cause we wanna celebrate next year's party with you!

Day 14: Office Santa

If your office has a Santa or Secret Santa thing, don't buy toilet paper for the gift unless it's a gag gift. People get offended... or so I was told.
Day 15: Dressing Warmer

Bring out the long johns and the fleece pullovers because the temperature is dropping but the night is heating up, unless you're single. If you're single, get some liquor and you'll get the same feeling minus the hibbidy dibbidy. ;)

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