Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blue Man Group in Knoxville TN

I've always wanted to see the Blue Man Group, but never had the chance due to work or lack of money for tickets. So when I won the tickets from a radio contest, I was gonna get to the show no matter what.

The show was at the historic Tennessee Theater and was SO worth waiting for! It was fun filled and non stop. Older folks and children with smiles on their faces and laughter echoed throughout the theater. I was amazed at the musical arrangement as well as the comedic moments within the show. I had a great time and if you get the chance to see the Blue Man Group, DO IT!

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Monday, July 23, 2012

The Aurora Incident

I have been away from my blog for a few days because of this incident. My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this terrible act. I didn't feel right blogging about the movie The Dark Knight Rises, just out of respect to the families of the victims. I did see the movie because I wanted to escape the reality of this horrible action. I found myself and others in our theater on edge or guarded because of what happened in Aurora, Co. It subsided as the movie played, but you could still feel the tension. I believe in the future, we as a people will be safer due to the precautions the theaters will be taking to provide a safe and fun time for it's patrons. I know the folks in Aurora are in trying times, just know this: you're all in our thoughts and prayers.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Bane (Bain) Issue

Rush Limbaugh Suggests 'Dark Knight Rises' Villain 'Bane' A Deliberate Romney Reference

The Huffington Post | ⁠July 18, 2012 02:53:33

Just a day after opining that President Barack Obama "hates" America, Rush Limbaugh found a new target in the eagerly anticipated "Dark Knight Rises," which he suggested during his program on Tuesday was part of a liberal media conspiracy:

RUSH: Have you heard this new movie, the Batman movie, what is it, The Dark Knight Lights Up or whatever the name is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises. Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?

It might strike some as odd that Limbaugh would direct his vitriol toward a movie franchise whose wealthy vigilante hero arguably contradicts a number of progressive ideals -- even once using a form warrantless wiretapping to nab a villain. Limbaugh does acknowledge that the Bane character sounds more "like an Occupy Wall Street guy" than the financial engineers one might find at Bain Capital. He also points to a Washington Times Communities post that compares Batman to Mitt Romney. Nonetheless, Limbaugh spends several minutes pivoting between a heated critique of Barack Obama and an equally heated dissection of what he sees as the new Batman film's ulterior political motives.

So, anyway, this evil villain in the new Batman movie is named Bane. And there's now a discussion out there as to whether or not this is purposeful and whether or not it will influence voters. It's gonna have a lot of people. This movie, the audience is gonna be huge. A lot of people are gonna see the movie, and it's a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop culture crowd, and they're gonna hear Bane in the movie and they're gonna associate Bain. The thought is that when they start paying attention to the campaign later in the year, and Obama and the Democrats keep talking about Bain, Romney and Bain, that these people will think back to the Batman movie, "Oh, yeah, I know who that is." (laughing) There are some people who think it'll work. Others think you're really underestimating the American people to think that will work.

"You may think it's ridiculous," Limbaugh added in summation. "I'm just telling you this is the kind of stuff the Obama team is lining up."

Bane, who first appeared in comic-book form in 1993, was also featured in one previous Batman film, "Batman & Robin." His inclusion in the "The Dark Knight Rises" was announced early in 2011, at which point Mitt Romney was just one of many Republicans vying for his party's nomination.

My personal opinion on this goes as follows:

Mr. Limbaugh, please don't in any way shape, form or fashion make a comic book villain apart of this or any election. I'm sick and tired of both the Republicans and Democrats, because they are both liars and con-men and women! And I'm not just picking on Rush Limbaugh. All of the late night folks are making a big deal out of Bane's name and Romney's "Bain"... It's a movie and just that, I love DC Comics and will support them as long as I can, I will see The Dark Knight Rises and like most folks, I will be able to disassociate the Bane from Bain!
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Zombies Vs. Strippers

Given my love of Horror movies, I rented another Full Moon Feature film: Zombies Vs. Strippers. This movie brings together two of my favorite things in an interesting way.
A strip club called the Tough Titty, on the bad side of town, seems to be the safest place in town and who wouldn't wanna be in a strip club while zombies are outside? I know the Black Liver Society and I would hold camp there during a zombie invasion! As the night goes on, more patrons come to the Tough Titty and the "walking dead" try to make their way into the club for more flesh.

On The Dean's List Scale:
Waste Of Time!
Redbox Visit!
Glad I Saw It!
I Will Own It!
I Do Own It!

Zombies Vs. Strippers gets: I Will Own It!

I love the Full Moon movies and would love to be in one of them. Check out their website http://www.fullmoonhorror.com
Twitter- @fullmoonhorror
Youtube- fullmoononline
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Monday, July 9, 2012

Call Me Maybe Parody

I pulled in and parked my car
Went into this little bar
A girl ordered PBR
And said I'm going your way

So we went back to my place
And we were quickening the pace
Here's my rule just in case:
I'm sorry you can't stay

Your clothes your gettin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, seeds we're sewin'
Sent you on your way now, baby

Hey we just had sex
And I'm feelin' la-zy
Could you make me a sandwich
Pretty please ba-bay
So here's some cabfare
To get home safe-ly
And here's my number
Call Me Maybe

I just can't look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, here's some cabfare,
To get home safe-ly,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And now you know the rules,
And can't sleep with me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
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Hey Carly Rae!

I pulled in and parked my car
Went into this little bar
A girl ordered PBR
And said I'm going your way

So we went back to my place
And we were quickening the pace
Here's my rule just in case:
I'm sorry you can't stay

Hey we just had sex
And I'm feelin' la-zy
Could you make me a sandwich
Pretty please ba-bay
So here's some cabfare
To get home safe-ly
And here's my number
Call Me Maybe
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Safe House

Safe House is a 2012 action thriller film directed by Daniel Espinosa, starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. It was released on February 10, 2012 in North America by Universal Pictures. Filming took place in Cape Town, South Africa.

Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), an ex-CIA agent turned international criminal, acquires a file from renegade MI6 agent Alec Wade (Liam Cunningham). Attacked by the mercenary Vargas (Fares Fares), he enters an American consulate and is moved to a CIA safe house in Cape Town, South Africa.

The "housekeeper" is Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds), a low-level agent. He watches Frost's interrogation and waterboarding by Daniel Kiefer (Robert Patrick). When Vargas and his men attack the house, he executes Kiefer, and Weston escapes with Frost captive. Weston contacts his mentor, David Barlow (Brendan Gleeson), at CIA headquarters. Catherine Linklater (Vera Farmiga), another CIA operative, intercepts the call and orders Weston to lay low and call back later.

Weston hides with Frost and calls his girlfriend Ana Moreau (Nora Arnezeder), telling her to leave the house. Linklater later tells Weston to go to Cape Town Stadium to retrieve a GPS device with the location of a nearby safe house. He retrieves the GPS at the stadium, but Frost creates a diversion and escapes by disguising himself as a policeman. Weston, detained by the police, escapes but can't catch Frost.

Weston is ordered to visit the nearest American embassy for debriefing. Instead he meets with Ana, where he reveals that he is a CIA agent and sends her away for her safety. He then locates the house of Frost's contact, Carlos Villar (Rubén Blades), where Frost is attacked by Vargas and his team, but escapes with Weston's help. They learn that Vargas is actually working for the CIA, which is seeking to retrieve the files Frost received from Wade. It is revealed that the files contain detailed information of corrupt activities by many intelligence agencies, including the CIA itself, and that Weston's own superiors may be implicated. Frost is taken to the new safe house by Weston, where Weston is attacked by the housekeeper, Keller (Joel Kinnaman). After much struggle, Weston kills Keller but is badly wounded in their fight. Frost leaves Weston who then passes out from the wounds sustained fighting Keller. Meanwhile, Linklater has arrived in South Africa with Barlow to discover who leaked the location of the first safe house, but is shot and killed by Barlow, who goes to the safe house and reveals that he is Vargas' employer. He confirms that the file contains incriminating evidence against him, and encourages Weston to lie about what has happened. Frost returns to rescue Weston by killing Vargas and his men but is shot by Barlow. Weston, outraged, then shoots Barlow in the chest, killing him. Frost gives Weston the file and tells him he is better than Frost before he dies from his injuries.

Back in the U.S., Weston meets with CIA Deputy Director Harlan Whitford (Sam Shepard), who informs Weston that unflattering facts about the CIA must be removed from his report, but that he will be promoted. He asks Weston about the file's location but Weston denies having been told about it by Frost. Whitford states that whoever has those files will have many enemies. Weston leaves, then leaks the files to the Internet, incriminating personnel from many intelligence agencies, including Whitford.

Later on, Weston sees Ana across a street in Paris, France. She reads a note passed to her from him, looks up at Weston, and they both make eye contact before he disappears around a corner.

Denzel Washington as Tobin Frost
Ryan Reynolds as Matt Weston
Vera Farmiga as Catherine Linklater
Brendan Gleeson as David Barlow
Sam Shepard as Harlan Whitford
Rubén Blades as Carlos Villar
Nora Arnezeder as Ana Moreau
Robert Patrick as Daniel Kiefer
Liam Cunningham as Alec Wade
Joel Kinnaman as Keller
Fares Fares as Vargas
Sebastian Roché as Heissler
Jake McLaughlin as Miller
Nicole Sherwin as Whitford's Assistant
Robert Hobbs as Morgan

On The Dean's List Scale:
Waste Of Time!
Redbox Visit!
Glad I Saw It!
I Will Own It!
I Do Own It!

Safe House gets: I Will Own It!
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Dead Undead

With the popularity of Zombies and my personal love for Horror films, I rented a movie called The Dead Undead. I figured I'd give it a shot since it combined the two genres.

A group of peaceful Vampires are infected and turned into crazed zombie like creatures whose only motivation is to feed on flesh, whether Human or Vampire. A group of Vampire commandos tries to keep their identity secret, while trying to stop the spread of the infection. Soldiers from across the ages, it's up to these vampires to end the zombie infection. Caught in the middle is a group of human kids on a camping trip, who team up with the Vampires in an attempt to survive.

The only actor that I knew of was Luke Goss. Goss has been the villain in Blade II as well as in Hellboy II. This movie was a starring role for him in a genre he was familiar with.

On The Dean's List Scale
Waste Of Time!
Redbox Visit!
Glad I Saw It!
I Will Own It!
I Do Own It!

The Dead Undead gets: Waste Of Time!

If you're the kind of folks that loves bad movies, this may be right up your alley! This movie was so bad that I started this review during the first few minutes. It's a cool idea but a bad movie. A true shame that a major film company didn't pick it up and try to run with it.
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Unknown TaTa's

I was surprised to see in my email another unknown lady sent in a picture. I'm digging the fact that I have female fans and they watch the Dean's List! So to this "Unknown Honey" thank you for the pic and the support!
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The Conversations At Work

On any given workday you can hear all sorts of conversations going on from topics like: A rude customer to last night's conquest. Employees talk to other employees about any number of things. I was walked through the hallway at work and heard one woman talking about how her love life was just blah and a co-worker told her about her sex-life and her use of costumes helped her marriage. I'm just walking, hear this and I have a new perspective for these women. Of course there's the whole "I hate my boss" thing, but in certain circles it will get back to that boss. The thing that gets me about these convos is this: Do you really want a co-worker to know you're a freak in the bedroom or that you hate your boss so much that you've come up with a "full proof" plan to get away with murdering him or her? Think twice folks, ya never know who'll muck things up for ya.

Even if you're just venting!
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