Monday, July 2, 2012

The Conversations At Work

On any given workday you can hear all sorts of conversations going on from topics like: A rude customer to last night's conquest. Employees talk to other employees about any number of things. I was walked through the hallway at work and heard one woman talking about how her love life was just blah and a co-worker told her about her sex-life and her use of costumes helped her marriage. I'm just walking, hear this and I have a new perspective for these women. Of course there's the whole "I hate my boss" thing, but in certain circles it will get back to that boss. The thing that gets me about these convos is this: Do you really want a co-worker to know you're a freak in the bedroom or that you hate your boss so much that you've come up with a "full proof" plan to get away with murdering him or her? Think twice folks, ya never know who'll muck things up for ya.

Even if you're just venting!
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