Friday, January 18, 2013

CW Anderson Interview

The Dean's List proudly brings to you the "Extreme Enforcer" CW Anderson! CW is a professional wrestler who has traveled the world giving spinebusters to anyone that steps into his path and now, we're in his path... Hopefully, we'll just get the interview and not hurt.

DL: Thank you for allowing The Dean's List to interview you and take time away from your schedule.

CW: My pleasure, thanks for interviewing me and I heard you wanted to experience my spinebuster too!

DL: Uh... NO! Let's get started, sir... I'm a long time wrestling fan and have to admit that I hated you in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). Cocky and violent are the two words I used to described you to folks that watched WWE or WCW and they would say, "Oh, like the Four Horsemen!" Were you ever contacted by Ole or Arn?

CW: Never contacted but met them through the years. Arn I have mad respect for but Ole, well that's another segment within itself.

I appreciate that you hated me, means I was doing my job right.

DL: You got your start in 1993 but at one time you were a baseball catcher and drafted by the San Diego Padres, only to reject the offer. Why did you reject the offer?

CW: In 1989, wasn't really enough money to uproot my life and move away like I did. Had a friend who did it the year before and couldn't make it. Plus my mom was so against it she talked me out of it but there wasn't a day that didn't go by that I didn't regret it. I was good and had a cannon for an arm, still at 42 I've got a strong arm.

DL: How was the training at the WCW Power Plant?

CW: The tryout was something I had hoped to never go through. It was the most brutal thing I've ever done. After that, it was OK. Sarge had his hands full training everyone and I thought he did a great job molding me into the guy you hated at ECW.

DL: ECW is where you blossomed as a performer (in my opinion) and my favorite match of yours was the "I Quit Match" against Tommy Dreamer. Did you think this was your "calling card match" ?

CW: Without a doubt! That match was done on my 30th birthday, Jan 7 2001 and still to this day at 42, people still talk about that match.

DL: When ECW folded, did you try to go to the WWE right after?

CW: NO, went to Japan and wrestled there for a while.

DL: You were hospitalized in 2005 after a supplement caused your liver to stop functioning but returned to the ring several months later. Did you ever think your career in wrestling was through?

CW: I thought my life was over but God's grace pulled me through. Wrestling was the least of my concern at the time, just being able to wake up another day was my hope.

DL: Being in the business, do you find yourself using the wrestling terminology in everyday conversations?

CW: Yes!

DL: Was that a shout-out to Daniel Bryan?

CW: No!

DL: Umm, ok... The WWE came calling and when they did, they kind of dropped the ball (in my opinion). TNA had an "Extreme Reunion" and you faced 2 Cold Scorpio. Was this just a one shot with TNA or did you want to continue working there?

CW: It was a one shot deal but, I hoped after me a Scorp had a great match, we would get offered something.

DL: In ECW, you teamed with Steve Corino (another wrestler I hated at the time). I follow you both on Twitter and it seems like you've been long time friends. Do you keep in contact with other ECW Alumni?

CW: Steve I keep in contact with every week. We are like brothers, love that guy. The others, it's here and there and that happens sometimes.

DL: I mentioned earlier that I hated you in ECW. As I look back at those days and see why I hated you, Steve Corino and other wrestlers. Do you take it as a compliment when fans say that they hated you?

CW: Yeah, it meant that I was doing something right. Hate me or love me, as long as you're talking about me.

DL: You as well as the many professional wrestlers I have seen or even had the honor of meeting and interviewing, have my respect for putting yourselves in a ring and putting on a great match. Looking back, is there anything that you would change?

CW: I could've been a little more aggressive on things I want!

DL: I know this is asked numerous times and usually by fans that want to get into the business but, do you have any advice for an aspiring wrestler?

CW: Find a good school and absorb as much about the business that you can.

DL: My friend Adam Gross has a question: Do you think a fan's "pipe-dream" of wrestlers such as yourself, The Hardys and Chris Hammrick using your know-how to cement a strong regional promotion in the Carolinas and Georgia area could ever happen and I mean strong like Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and Jersey All-Pro Wrestling?

CW: Anything's possible with good talent and the right promoting. Fans gotta know someone's wrestling to come to the show and then the talent has to keep there and bring'em back.

DL: CW Anderson, you have become one of my favorite wrestlers and I am honored to interview you. Thank you for not giving me your spinebuster! Folks, you can find CW on Twitter (@ECWAnderson) and now right here on The Dean's List! Check back with us to find out who made, The Dean's List!
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