Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lance Hoyt Interview

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do this interview, it means a lot to me and I'm sure your fans will enjoy it as well.

DL: Welcome To The Dean's List, Mr. Hoyt!

LH: Thanks for having me!

DL: Let's get started... In 2000 you started training in Texas under the tutelage of Solo Faitala. Spending four years in Texas under names such as Lance Steel and by last minute Breakdown. What is your fondest memory of those days before signing with TNA?

LH: My Fondest memory of my days before TNA where in Dallas, Tx with a company called PCW.  I worked under the name Shadow and found Most of my early Indy success there.  They had a weekly show and were on TV in Dallas for years.  Worked with great talent every week and had the chance to entertain some GREAT fans with great wrestling and stories.  Shadow is a character that I wish I had the opp to take to a major Market. 

DL: While in TNA some called you the second coming of Kevin Nash mixed with Andrew "Test" Martin. Two guys with a lot of talent, in my opinion. Did you ever feel pressure to be like them?

LH: I never really felt the pressure to be like anyone specific.  But,  Being a Big guy has many pressures that ppl don't realize.  As crazy as that sounds.  It's actually a tough thing being a Big guy in the business.  I know, I know  sounds crazy.  BUT, if one doesn't wrestle like a BIG guy then ppl seem to not accept it sometimes.  PPL both in the industry and as fans have pre conceived notions on how Wrestlers should Wrestle.  And sometimes when one tries to go outside that box.  It's not accepted very easily.  I Never saw myself as that Big and always wanted to be different and break that BIG guy mold.  I think I do and have done things Both those guys have never done or would be able to do.  But I would LOVE to find the success that both of them had in wrestling!  Nothing but respect!

DL: You had some great talent to work with in TNA. Guys like Chris Candido, Ron Killings, Matt Bentley, Kazarian and the list goes on. Is there anyone in TNA at that time that you wanted to work with that you didn't have the chance to?

LH: Well my Hero to say in the business was always Sting and even getting to know him was a very cool thing for me.  I had many conversations with him and got to know the man as well as the character first hand.  So I Really would have loved an opp to work a program with Sting.  Unfortunately it never happened. 

DL: The tag team of "The Rock N Rave Infection" was cool because you both rocked the Guitar Hero Controllers during your entrance. Do you play Guitar Hero and if so what level do you play at?

LH: RNR was cool because we had a lot of fun doing it.  We had a ton of creative freedom and had great chemistry in the ring.  I have not payed that game in Long time.  I am not much of a gamer.  I never got very good at the game.  But it was fun!

DL: I still play on beginner because I'm lazy, but you give me a wrestling game and I'm on fire! Speaking of wrestling video games, how cool was it to be in a game?

LH: Probably one of the coolest things I've gotten to be apart of outside the ring was Playing the Raw vs SD 11 game as myself!  Kinda surreal. 

DL: While in the WWE you were under the ECW brand and became an intense heel. Which do you prefer: Face or Heel?

LH: Vance Archer in ECW was a great starting point.  I believe if ECW had not been shut down.  I would have had more opportunity to grow and find myself in that company.  I enjoy working.  Doesn't matter which way I portray myself

DL: Shortly after your stint in the WWE, you signed with New Japan Wrestling. Did the Japanese fans throw you off during your first match over there?

LH: I have been working in Japan since 2007.  With smaller companies and one tour with All Japan in 2009. So when I got the amazing opp to work with New Japan Pro Wrestling.  It wasn't my first time in front of the Japanese Fan base.  That being said.  It's a very different environment than that of anywhere else in the World.  Their respect is Amazing.  I love working in Japan and if My career finishes in Japan.  I will be VERY proud of that!

DL: You're a devout Christian and you're not afraid to share that with anyone. Do you ever find the temptations of the road to be overwhelming?

LH: I Love Christ and Thank HIM he Loves me.  I am by no means a perfect or even close of a man.  I make mistakes ALL the time.  LIFE has temptations.  So I fall a lot in his eyes.  But the AMAZING thing.  He is always there to pick me up.  So I thank HIM for the Good and Bad in my Life.  And without his forgiveness.  Those temptations would Eat me Alive!!

DL: I know most people ask you but, what advice do you have for future pro wrestlers/sports entertainers?

LH: Wrestling is a Passion.  If one gets into the business for any other reason than they LOVE it.  They are doing it for the wrong reason.  Always Push ones self.  Never get comfortable.  Try and find that next Big pond and Grow to be the Big fish there..  Listen, Learn, Grow!  One never knows everything in this industry.  One can Always learn something new from ANYBODY!  Always Push yourself to change and get better!  Body, Costume, Entrance, Ability, Personality!  Look at what you see on your TV.  Aspire to be better than that in EVERY way..  Be HONEST with yourself.  If you Lie to yourself, you only Hold yourself Back!  The LITTLE things are more important than most young workers realize.  Doing a amazing move is cool.  But if you look like a fool in between those Cool Moves. Then ppl see that and will not accept one as Elite.  Never be complacent!  If one does then that person will Never advance.  And remember. It's Showbiz.  Sometimes it's more about the relationships with the ppl in the locker rooms than what you are able to do in the Ring.  It was told to me By Doc Tom Prichard.  It's 90% about what goes on behind the curtain and 10% about what you do in the ring. 

DL: We at The Dean's List wish you well and thank you again for being apart of this interview. Check us out soon to find out who made, The Dean's List!

Be sure to follow Lance on Twitter (@lancehoyt)
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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