Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sonic Slash: The Wolverine

If you're a comic book fan then you will completely love this movie (Now that I've said this, someone will start some issue over things in the movie.). If you are a parent, loved one or just a movie buff, you will enjoy it as well. The story is riveting and the emotional connection with Logan/Wolverine grows with each moment in the film. Hugh Jackman is an awesome performer and the job that he did in this film shows why he is an actor of "Hollywood Elite" status.

The movie is PG-13 for the violence and "Parent's Notice": One "F-Bomb" is in this movie. The only reason why I mention it is the fact that there where young children in the theater as well. The movie was great and I will see this again, possibly soon!

On The Dean's List Movie Scale
1- I'm gonna "Scream" for my money back!
2- I'm "Dazed & Confused" from watching this!
3- "You Only Live Twice" so I'm watching it again!
4- "Blazing Saddles" can't pull me away from this one!
5- This one goes the distance just like "Rocky"!

The Wolverine receives:
5- This one goes the distance just like "Rocky"!

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Run, Bitch, SWIM!!!

While playing HALO and talking about the game Injustice: Gods Among Us, my buddy said he played it the other night and Aquaman sent a shark after him and he yelled at the tv: RUN BITCH SWIM!!!

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time because I knew how he felt the first time I saw that shark. Now that phrase is said on HALO and we all laugh...


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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Got Jokes? - Riley Fox

This Nashville, Tenn comedian is not only funny, he's a Rush fan! After seeing Lewis Black, Riley decided at the age of twelve that comedy was gonna become his passion. His uncanny impressions of Tom Waits and Christian Bale as Batman are dead on. I have had the pleasure of being on stage with him and to also call him a friend in this business.

Check Out Riley Fox at:
And at a local Rush concert near you!


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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shopping And Why Men Don't Do It!

Everytime we see a commercial for a grocery or department store what do we see? A woman and bags or a push cart. You hardly ever see a man shopping and the reason is this: We're just big kids with money! We don't care what we need especially after seeing the happy cartoon character holding the poorly made toy that is inside that box of sugary goodness. That's what we want and we're gonna get it, we may not even eat the contents of the packaging, but we'll be happy. For a moment or two...

Women have a better head on their shoulders when it comes to shopping. They get the necessities and then the fun stuff, the bad thing is that they're like that with undergarments as well. A guy will choose something he likes and the lady will be disgusted and say she'll never wear that. A woman buys something that she likes and then gets mad when her man rips it off... What I'm really getting at is this: She shops while I play HALO ;)


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Friday, July 5, 2013

Doomsday: The Superman Killer

The Man of Steel's only enemy that truly put the "fear of God" into him is Doomsday. An unstoppable force of destruction that was remorseless and very destructive in the DC Universe. Nothing had ever ran roughshod in the DCU before and when Superman got word that Doomsday was coming, "Big Blue" jumped into action to protect and serve. The fight between them was the epitome of unrelenting evil versus a pure and wholesome good... In the end both collapsed and were presumed dead. Doomsday had killed Superman and a world without a super man was the darkest of times. In our real world, people were very upset that the comic book writers and producers had "killed off" their character that stood for the American way of life. Eventually, Supes came back (with long hair) and it seemed like a bad dream. (See the original Dallas series and the death/rebirth of Bobby Ewing. Yeah, 80's old school reference!)

Nevertheless, Doomsday had achieved what all of the other villains could not do: "Kill Superman" at least for a bit...

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Doomsday: The Superman Killer

The Man of Steel's only enemy that truly put the "fear of God" into him is Doomsday. An unstoppable force of destruction that was remorseless and very destructive in the DC Universe. Nothing had ever ran roughshod in the DCU before and when Superman got word that Doomsday was coming, "Big Blue" jumped into action to protect and serve. The fight between them was the epitome of unrelenting evil versus a pure and wholesome good... In the end both collapsed and were presumed dead. Doomsday had killed Superman and a world without a super man was the darkest of times. In our real world, people were very upset that the comic book writers and producers had "killed off" their character that stood for the American way of life. Eventually, Supes came back (with long hair) and it seemed like a bad dream. (See the original Dallas series and the death/rebirth of Bobby Ewing. Yeah, 80's old school reference!)

Nevertheless, Doomsday had achieved what all of the other villains could not do: "Kill Superman" at least for a bit...

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Got Jokes? - Waylon Whiskey

Who's "Whiskey Bent and Microphone Bound"? Who's the rowdy redneck that can make you laugh as well as make you think? That's right, it's Waylon "MotherTruckin" Whiskey (edited for the kiddies) and he's one of the few, the proud, the Black Liver Society!

Waylon is a comedian that will slap you in the face with the truth while giving you a little tickle and pleasing the woman next to you, whether she's with you or not! You can find him on Twitter @WaylonWhiskey and @Black_Liver or just find him at

Wanna let the world know that you've "Got Jokes" ? Send a pic and information about yourself to and we'll get you promoted on The Dean's List! Remember, this is bi-weekly so don't get mad if you're not immediately posted! I'll let you know when you're week is. #LoveScaresAndFoldingChairs
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hottie and Bad Ass Of The Month: July

The Dean's List presents July's Hottie of the Month - Andria "Firefox" Jaszay
This lovely young lady is a good friend of mine with a sure shot when it comes to combat, laser tag that is. "Firefox" is a battle ref at Battlefield Knoxville and if someone's cheating, she will snipe you with the "god gun". (I've seen her do it and it's not a pretty sight... Well, it kinda is.) If you get a chance to go to BFK, tell'er you saw her on The Dean's List and she just might take a pic with you and your crew!

The Dean's List presents July's Bad Ass of the Month - Shane Andrews
This "Bad Boy" is certainly that, facing some of the toughest talent in the wrestling world and walking away from every battle is a true testament to this man's character and discipline. I'm fortunate to call him a friend and even luckier to not be an opponent! With kicks as fast as lightning and punches as rough as a tsunami, Shane Andrews deserves the title of "Bad Ass"!

Wanna be the next "Hottie of the Month" or the next "Bad Ass of the Month"?
Send me a message for details
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