Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shopping And Why Men Don't Do It!

Everytime we see a commercial for a grocery or department store what do we see? A woman and bags or a push cart. You hardly ever see a man shopping and the reason is this: We're just big kids with money! We don't care what we need especially after seeing the happy cartoon character holding the poorly made toy that is inside that box of sugary goodness. That's what we want and we're gonna get it, we may not even eat the contents of the packaging, but we'll be happy. For a moment or two...

Women have a better head on their shoulders when it comes to shopping. They get the necessities and then the fun stuff, the bad thing is that they're like that with undergarments as well. A guy will choose something he likes and the lady will be disgusted and say she'll never wear that. A woman buys something that she likes and then gets mad when her man rips it off... What I'm really getting at is this: She shops while I play HALO ;)


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