Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hottie and Bad Ass Of The Month: July

The Dean's List presents July's Hottie of the Month - Andria "Firefox" Jaszay
This lovely young lady is a good friend of mine with a sure shot when it comes to combat, laser tag that is. "Firefox" is a battle ref at Battlefield Knoxville and if someone's cheating, she will snipe you with the "god gun". (I've seen her do it and it's not a pretty sight... Well, it kinda is.) If you get a chance to go to BFK, tell'er you saw her on The Dean's List and she just might take a pic with you and your crew!

The Dean's List presents July's Bad Ass of the Month - Shane Andrews
This "Bad Boy" is certainly that, facing some of the toughest talent in the wrestling world and walking away from every battle is a true testament to this man's character and discipline. I'm fortunate to call him a friend and even luckier to not be an opponent! With kicks as fast as lightning and punches as rough as a tsunami, Shane Andrews deserves the title of "Bad Ass"!

Wanna be the next "Hottie of the Month" or the next "Bad Ass of the Month"?
Send me a message for details
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