Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Got Jokes? - Waylon Whiskey

Who's "Whiskey Bent and Microphone Bound"? Who's the rowdy redneck that can make you laugh as well as make you think? That's right, it's Waylon "MotherTruckin" Whiskey (edited for the kiddies) and he's one of the few, the proud, the Black Liver Society!

Waylon is a comedian that will slap you in the face with the truth while giving you a little tickle and pleasing the woman next to you, whether she's with you or not! You can find him on Twitter @WaylonWhiskey and @Black_Liver or just find him at

Wanna let the world know that you've "Got Jokes" ? Send a pic and information about yourself to and we'll get you promoted on The Dean's List! Remember, this is bi-weekly so don't get mad if you're not immediately posted! I'll let you know when you're week is. #LoveScaresAndFoldingChairs
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