Friday, July 5, 2013

Doomsday: The Superman Killer

The Man of Steel's only enemy that truly put the "fear of God" into him is Doomsday. An unstoppable force of destruction that was remorseless and very destructive in the DC Universe. Nothing had ever ran roughshod in the DCU before and when Superman got word that Doomsday was coming, "Big Blue" jumped into action to protect and serve. The fight between them was the epitome of unrelenting evil versus a pure and wholesome good... In the end both collapsed and were presumed dead. Doomsday had killed Superman and a world without a super man was the darkest of times. In our real world, people were very upset that the comic book writers and producers had "killed off" their character that stood for the American way of life. Eventually, Supes came back (with long hair) and it seemed like a bad dream. (See the original Dallas series and the death/rebirth of Bobby Ewing. Yeah, 80's old school reference!)

Nevertheless, Doomsday had achieved what all of the other villains could not do: "Kill Superman" at least for a bit...

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