Friday, September 28, 2012


The "Ideal" family is a Mother and Father, kids and pets. Some folks get this and they are either happy with it or they don't like it and talk trash. Some of us had one parent and maybe siblings or pets. a few don't have parents, siblings or pets...

I had Grandparents that took me in because both my mom and my dad had their "demons" to deal with, luckily my mom stuck around. Dad saw responsibility and ran the f--k away! Anyway, I'm an only child and had all these family members that I knew or hung around. In that home, you had to have a quick wit or you would be "picked on". Not bad, but it always pushed the envelope.

I miss those days of having my family together just to hang out and relax. Over time I've lost family members due to death or a post on Facebook that they didn't "agree" with... I have my new family and they are awesome. I pray that everyone has the opportunity to experience that "family" feel at least once in their life.

If I call you family, then you know I love ya!
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Thursday, September 27, 2012


We all tend to say things like: Well, I hope things go my way/your way or something along those lines. I've noticed that I have said "I Hope" a lot lately, like: I hope I can get a different job or I hope I win the contest or even I hope I can get through the day...

I, along with many folks, use the word "Hope" TOO MANY TIMES! Hope is something that fills you with great feelings and gives you the ability to push forward. I used to feel hopeless about a great amount of things: Will I ever be the right guy for someone? Could I ever get on stage and make folks laugh? So on and so on...

I realized that "Hope" was my inner strength and that I always had hope for a better tomorrow or that I'd find the right person or that a mutha f**ka would! My hope wasn't contagious like someone's laughter and that was because I was always down. Now, I try to be a guy that helps others find their hope because I had friends that helped me.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment as well!
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

American Waistland

All of you that know me or have seen me, know that I'm a relatively "big" guy. I've always had a large frame as a kid and was picked on for it. I remember the name calling that is the same stuff other big kids would be called. Fatty, Tank, Fatso, Lard Ass, etc. I would do one of two things: make a joke or whip some ass!

Now as an adult, I can't whip someone's ass just for calling me a name. I can however, one up them since I have comedy on my side as well as friends that just don't give a damn! (Note to Big Folks: Make friends with loyal people) I embraced my "flaw" and can laugh at things. With fellow Black Liver Society Members, we made a video about the Taco Bell Challenge and although it was rough... we did have a blast and made it fun.

Feel free to watch the challenge and if you have a challenge, let us know at
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Monday, September 17, 2012


I got nominated earlier this year to raise money for a competition called "The MR. KNOXVILLE Contest" presented by Goodwill Industries. I was super excited because it meant helping a business that helps the community and that at one time in my life helped me.

When I was a little fella, my mom hit hard times and she did what she could to get by. There was a Goodwill store in our neighborhood or at least close to us where she could get clothes for us to wear that were in good shape. They even had toys and as a kid you know where I headed when we got there.

This is my way to give back to them and provide a place to shop for the single parents or families that have sang these "hard time blues" like my mom and I did years ago.

So please help me raise some money to help out the great folks of Goodwill Industries, send your donations to or call 865-588-8567 and donate in my name. Thank you for reading and "HOLLA, IF YA HEAR ME!"
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I got nominated earlier this year to raise money for a competition called "The MR. KNOXVILLE Contest" presented by Goodwill Industries. I was super excited because it meant helping a business that helps the community and that at one time in my life helped me.

When I was a little fella, my mom hit hard times and she did what she could to get by. There was a Goodwill store in our neighborhood or at least close to us where she could get clothes for us to wear that were in good shape. They even had toys and as a kid you know where I headed when we got there.

This is my way to give back to them and provide a place to shop for the single parents or families that have sang these "hard time blues" like my mom and I did years ago.

So please help me raise some money to help out the great folks of Goodwill Industries, send your donations to
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me...

Yesterday was September 12th and that is my birthday :)

It's a weird feeling being 32 yrs old, but I proved a lot of people wrong. People that said you'll never see 30... Ha ha, how's it feel to eat those words?!

I'm fortunate to not have any regrets, I do however have tons of mistakes and missed opportunities. I have been blessed with friends that are like family and if I needed them, they would be there. I didn't know how many people that I had touched or just been in their lives until I received all of the texts, emails, twitter and facebook messages. I was in awe of those and for that, I thank you!

Thirty-two years and I'm still seeing things through child-like eyes, I'm excited to see what the next years have to offer... "HOLLA!"
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


For those of you that have a story of where you were on 9/11, I'm pretty sure it's not like this.

I was in between jobs and sleeping like normally. When I woke up, I turned on the tv to see the second plane crash into the second tower. I honestly thought it was a movie about terrorist until I turned the news channel to MTV. It was showing the same thing! I called my mom and she was crying. I asked her if this was real and with her answer I felt completely helpless. I was 20 years old and would be 21 the very next day. I wasn't sure if there would be a tomorrow due to the actions of these terrible men.

Eleven years later, we are still at war with terrorism and everyday we remember, in some way what happened to us on that fateful day. It makes me wonder how the folks got through Pearl Harbor and the feelings they had.

Pray for the families that suffered a loss that day and keep all of us in your thoughts as we push forward.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Michael Clarke Duncan

I watched The Green Mile like everyone else and was amazed at the mountain of a man that called Tom Hanks, "Boss".
His gentle giant persona was something you could feel as the movie played. I saw a man playing a part that would send him to the very top!

I'm a movie fan and a comic book fan. So when I heard Michael Clarke Duncan was gonna play the Kingpin in the movie version of Daredevil... Well, I was less than enthused. When I saw that movie, I saw the dominating presence that he could project with just a single look. The fight scene was well worth the price of admission, in my opinion. Duncan brought a new look and a different layer to the character.

I've seen him in numerous movies and tv shows, but he will always be the Kingpin to me. Rest In Peace Michael Clarke Duncan

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