Monday, September 17, 2012

I got nominated earlier this year to raise money for a competition called "The MR. KNOXVILLE Contest" presented by Goodwill Industries. I was super excited because it meant helping a business that helps the community and that at one time in my life helped me.

When I was a little fella, my mom hit hard times and she did what she could to get by. There was a Goodwill store in our neighborhood or at least close to us where she could get clothes for us to wear that were in good shape. They even had toys and as a kid you know where I headed when we got there.

This is my way to give back to them and provide a place to shop for the single parents or families that have sang these "hard time blues" like my mom and I did years ago.

So please help me raise some money to help out the great folks of Goodwill Industries, send your donations to
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