Wednesday, September 19, 2012

American Waistland

All of you that know me or have seen me, know that I'm a relatively "big" guy. I've always had a large frame as a kid and was picked on for it. I remember the name calling that is the same stuff other big kids would be called. Fatty, Tank, Fatso, Lard Ass, etc. I would do one of two things: make a joke or whip some ass!

Now as an adult, I can't whip someone's ass just for calling me a name. I can however, one up them since I have comedy on my side as well as friends that just don't give a damn! (Note to Big Folks: Make friends with loyal people) I embraced my "flaw" and can laugh at things. With fellow Black Liver Society Members, we made a video about the Taco Bell Challenge and although it was rough... we did have a blast and made it fun.

Feel free to watch the challenge and if you have a challenge, let us know at
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