Thursday, September 27, 2012


We all tend to say things like: Well, I hope things go my way/your way or something along those lines. I've noticed that I have said "I Hope" a lot lately, like: I hope I can get a different job or I hope I win the contest or even I hope I can get through the day...

I, along with many folks, use the word "Hope" TOO MANY TIMES! Hope is something that fills you with great feelings and gives you the ability to push forward. I used to feel hopeless about a great amount of things: Will I ever be the right guy for someone? Could I ever get on stage and make folks laugh? So on and so on...

I realized that "Hope" was my inner strength and that I always had hope for a better tomorrow or that I'd find the right person or that a mutha f**ka would! My hope wasn't contagious like someone's laughter and that was because I was always down. Now, I try to be a guy that helps others find their hope because I had friends that helped me.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment as well!
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