Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jodi Arias Trial

All I've heard today is that they jury has found her guilty and that she wants the death penalty, because death equals freedom. A freedom from all of this hoopla...

If they're smart they'll lock her up and throw away the key. Don't, I repeat, don't give her what she wants! She messed up when she said that she wanted the death penalty. She should be placed in general population where the inmates can teach her the "ropes" and where she will be made to suffer.

This is all that I heard from a lady at work today and all I could think of was: "I'd hit it" LOL! I'm a guy and a goofy one at that, so wouldn't you expect something funny from me about any subject? This lady was new and didn't take to kindly to my remark. Look, she'll get hers one way or another and the world will move on to the next case. She's an attractive lady that did a vicious thing. I don't know the whole story and will probably never know it. I honestly do not care but I thought that I'd share my day with y'all and hope you have a great one.

Enjoy the pic too!

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