Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hottie of the Month: December

The Dean's List proudly brings you December's Hottie of the Month: Miranda Loy

Miranda is a great friend, a beautiful mother of three and a wife (Sorry folks, she's married). Thank you so much for being apart of this and we look forward to working with you more. By the way, tell the hubby we love him too!


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Top 5 Christmas Songs

5. Santa Baby
4. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
3. Frosty The Snowman
2. Blue Christmas
1. Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

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Top 5 Christmas Movies

5. Bad Santa
4. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
3. A Christmas Story
2. Jingle All The Way
1. It's A Wonderful Life

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Monday, December 9, 2013

A Comedian's Christmas List

Dear Santa (or Hanukkah Harry if you're Jewish see SNL Skit with Jon Lovitz),

This year I would like a microphone that will allow me to talk over the inconsiderate talkers at the bar during my set. I'd also like more stage time at places that want comedy there and not just a band or a sporting event on the tvs. I know I'm asking a lot and there are numerous comedians asking for the same things, but could you give me some really funny material so I can make that Eddie Murphy or Dane Cook money? I just really wanna quit my job and do something that I love with all of my heart and when I'm able to, I have a blast doing it.  Oh and the ability to take a joke when someone's "messing" with me.

            Thank you so much,
                   Every Comedian

This is just a goof, but you'll be able to realize I'm just messing after you get your gifts from Santa or Hanukkah Harry this year ;)

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Days 5-8

Day 5
Decorating the Christmas tree with KISS ornaments
Day 6
Watching Christmas specials like the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special
Day 7
Good times with friends singing songs and giving presents
Day 8
Egg Nog and other holiday food

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Day 3 and 4

Jingle All The Way is one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time. The story of a dad that means well but somehow ends up not doing the right thing finally becomes the hero of the day. The movie is a fun filled adventure of a father searching last minute for a toy that his son wants for Christmas. Definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it yet.

Day 4: Rushing to get the best gift you can for that special someone. Yes I admit that I'm like every other male and late shopper out there, I wait until the last minute. Sometimes I do it for the thril of being out and about during the shopping season, but mostly because of the paycheck I receive and having to wait. Oh well, it's still a Merry Christmas for all ;)

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Day Two

My favorite gift as a child varied from year to year but I specifically remember a gift that made me scream with excitement: Snake Mountain from the Masters of the Universe toy series! I was a big He-Man fan and had a ton of the figures as a kid. Getting this gift along with other figures made that Christmas one to remember. 

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Day One

I'm so glad that Christmas is right around the corner. Now is the time for families to get together, have holiday parties and just have a great fun filled time with the ones you love and hold dear. This 25 Days of Christmas is gonna be fun for me as well because, this year I'll be doing the following:
Watching Christmas movies everyday, talking about my favorite Christmas gifts and just having a good time.

Also we may have some really cool people sending in pictures, so stay tuned!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Top 5 Signs That You Bought A Lousy Christmas Tree

5. The salesman asks: Are you a cop?
4. It looks like a broom handle with coat hangers on it.
3. Each branch has Duraflame printed on them
2. It's small and says Air Freshener on it
1. It's constantly bragging about it's trunk size

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Got Jokes: JD Howard

The Knoxville comedy scene has been graced with many a great performer and now we have a multi tasking performer as well here in Knoxville Tennessee: JD Howard

JD also under the name Octavius works at WIMZ 103.5 FM radio and you can tell that he always wanted to be an entertainer because his radio show is very entertaining as well as is stand up comedy. JD has had the opportunity to be on various stages like Side Splitters Comedy Club, Preservation Pub, Club 13:4, The Comedy Catch and many more. He is a member of the Black Liver Society which is a comedy group that likes to raise a glass and have some laughs if you know what I mean, so be sure to follow Comedian JD Howard on Facebook as well as on Twitter@ JDHComedy

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month:November

Hottie of the Month: Charlotte Fox
This beautiful young lady is from across the pond in England. A very cool woman that I am fortunate to call a friend and deserves the title of November's Hottie of the Month! Find her on Twitter @scousebabe888

Bad Ass of the Month
John Howarth
Riot Entertainment's owner is not only a giant in the music business,  he's a mountain of a man that could crush any man with just a look. He's hung out with Chris Jericho, Zakk Wylde and many more of metal's idols and gods. Another good friend and well deserving of the title, November's Bad Ass of the Month! Find him on Twitter @JohnRiot

Wanna be the next Hottie or Bad Ass of the Month? Message me for details on how.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Halloween: Halloween (1978)

As a tradition, I will watch this after my show at Side Splitters Comedy Club tonight...

Wanna suggest some movies for next year's 31 Days of Horror?
Message me on Twitter @TheDeanJennings and I'll put your suggestion into that "Great Pumpkin" for prime picking... #LoveScaresAndFoldingChairs

31 Days of Horror: The Lords Of Salem

Heidi, a blond rock chick, DJs at a local radio station, and together with the two Hermans (Whitey and Munster) forms part of the "Big H Radio Team." A mysterious wooden box containing a vinyl record arrives for Heidi, a gift of the Lords. She assumes it's a rock band on a mission to spread their word. As Heidi and Whitey play the Lords' record, it starts to play backwards, and Heidi experiences a flashback to a past trauma. Later, Whitey plays the Lords' record, dubbing them the Lords of Salem, and to his surprise, the record plays normally and is a massive hit with his listeners. The arrival of another wooden box from the Lords presents the Big H team with free tickets, posters and records to host a gig in Salem. Soon, Heidi and her cohorts are far from the rock spectacle they're expecting. The original Lords of Salem are returning and they're out for blood.

The Lords Of Salem gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Event Horizon

In the year 2047 a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the long lost starship "Event Horizon". The ship disappeared mysteriously 7 years before on its maiden voyage and with its return comes even more mystery as the crew of the "Lewis and Clark" discover the real truth behind its disappearance and something even more terrifying.

Event Horizon gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am l in "Phantasm"
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Christine

This movie was suggested by Carl W. from Knoxville Tennessee because he is a huge Stephen King fanas well as a huge car guy. Christine tells the story of a nerdy kid that has saved up his money and buys a car that mysteriously starts to change him. Friends become worried for him, believing he's going down a bad path and his parents practically disown him. Christine is all that he needs...
I watched Christine as a kid and it wasn't frightening to me. It does have some great scares, but nothing that (pardon the pun) jumps out at me.

Christine gets:
3- Strap me to a chair,  this one's a "Shocker"

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Henry - Portrait Of A Serial Killer

Henry is a serial killer that kills in different ways and takes on an apprentice of sorts in Otis, a pervert and bumbling idiot. Michael Rooker's performance in this film is great and I highly recommend this movie if you dig horror/terror type movies. 

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer gets:
5- Great scares take "Shape"

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Spooky Stories Vol. 1 & 2

This was suggested by Taylor in Knoxville Tn. Her momma is a big fan and sent this movie to me. Thank you Taylor fod suggesting these fun spooky stories, I had a great time watching them.
Dreamworks Spooky Stories gets
5- Great scares take "Shape"

The Dean's List: Rowdy Roddy Piper

Friday, October 25, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Predator

A team of special force ops, led by a tough but fair soldier, Major "Dutch" Schaefer, are ordered in to assist CIA man, George Dillon, on a rescue mission for potential survivors of a Helicopter downed over remote South American jungle. Not long after they land, Dutch and his team discover that they have been sent in under false pretenses. This deception turns out to be the least of their worries though, when they find themselves being methodically hunted by something not of this world. I thought that this was an action movie but the skinned bodies of the other soldiers and the fear that the predator instilled in the group classified it as a horror movie... That and the IMDB.

Predator gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?

31 Days of Horror: Jennifer's Body

Nerdy reserved bookworm Needy, and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip.

Jennifer's Body gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Hollow Man

A group of scientists, led by the brilliant yet eccentric Twinkie-addicted Sebastian Caine, are successfully researching invisibility. Having accomplished making animals invisible, Caine insists on being the next subject for the experiment. Unfortunately, the serum effects not only the external physical nature of the subject, but morphs the internal personality too. And that's when things start to go horribly wrong...

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Hollow Man gets
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Vacancy

I had the opportunity to watch this movie before my phone died yesterday...

Vacancy is a suspenseful thriler that stars Kate Beckinsale better known for Underworld and Click (a personal favorite of mine) and Luke Wilson from such movies as The Royal Tenenbaums as well as Idiocracy.

The movie starts with the couple driving down the interstate and taking a secondary route that ends up getting them in a situation that is not too good. if you get a chance to check this movie out, do it!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Vacancy gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am l in "Phantasm"?

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Monday, October 21, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Cheerleader Massacre (2003)

This film was suggested by Debbie in Los Angeles, CA and she told me that some adult film stars were in this movie. I was surprised to see that there was and that I knew who they were. Does this mean I watch a lot of porn or does this mean I know a lot of porn stars? The answer is yes! LoL, but who better to be in a horror movie aimed at teenagers? The movie is good a bit slow in places but it's good.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Cheerleader Massacre gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Nightstalker

This biopic of serial killer Richard Ramirez aka The Nightstalker and the film is set in the 1980's. There are some items that don't belong in the 1980's like a George Foreman Grill and others. It drags along and the killing scenes are a bit lacking. All in all, not a great movie but I'm sure Ramirez is happy with it...

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Nightstalker gets:
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Porn Star Zombies

This movie was suggested by Rick in Las Vegas, NV and he told me to be prepared to laugh. Rick, I laughed my ass off until I actually fell asleep...
When I came to I finished the movie and realized it was the cheapest version of Night Of The Living Dead that has ever existed, well until I film mine lol.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Porn Star Zombies gets:
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
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31 Days of Horror: Hatchet

Melissa Dobbs of Knoxville, Tenn. suggested this film about Victor Crowley, a disfigured man that haunts the Louisiana bayous and will kill anyone that crosses his path.

The beginning of the film starts off slow but it certainly picks up after the origin story of our killer is told. This is Kane Hodder at his best and the rest of the cast makes the film a complete thrill ride.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Hatchet gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

31 Days of Horror: From Dusk Till Dawn

The 1996 Robert Rodriguez vampire film is one of my favorites and it shows George Clooney as a "bad guy". Salma Hayek was always hot but this movie made her extremely hot in my opinion. Legendary special fx artist Tom Savini is in this movie as well. I can't express how cool this movie is without repeating myself over and over.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

From Dusk Till Dawn gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

31 Days of Horror: The Silence Of The Lambs

The movie that scared me the most was an unlikely crime and suspense movie by the name of The Silence Of The Lambs. I was with some friends from church and we went to see this... Well I watched the movie while they made out two rows behind me. Teenagers, what can you say? Anyway, the movie grabbed a hold of me and wouldn't let go. The story follows Clarice Starling, an FBI agent who has to enlist the services of the monstrous serial killer: Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter. Sounds like a wrestling moniker but it's not. There's a killer on the loose and Clarice has to face her demons to interact with Dr. Lecter. A great movie and definitely Dean's List Approved!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

The Silence Of The Lambs gets:
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days of Horror: The Lawnmower Man

Back in 1992, a science fiction/horror movie by the name of The Lawnmower Man took theaters by storm. The story is about a greenskeeper that has a learning disability and a doctor that arranges for him to find a way to become smarter. Over time, the greenskeeper becomes smarter than ever and darker more grim than how he was before. The groundskeeper joins with the machine and becomes "pure energy". The movie is a bit dated now but still very good.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

The Lawnmower Man gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

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Monday, October 14, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Disturbing Behavior

Suggested by Kate (didn't include her last name) in Knoxville Tn, this 1998 suspense/horror film updates the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" for a new generation. Set in a small town named Cradle Bay our story follows Steve Clark, a high school student fresh from the city and befriends three "outcasts" Gavin, UV and Rachel. Gavin and UV explain the different cliques in the school and the "strangeness" that has been going on recently. A group called the "Blue Ribbons" seem to have it all and when a known "rebel" joins these "1950-esque" teens, things start to get even weirder. I enjoyed this movie when it first came out and was dating a girl that looked like Katie Holmes' character "Rachel" at the time so the movie takes me back a bit.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Disturbing Behavior gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

31 Days of Horror: American Mary

A med school student wanting to become a surgeon becomes the best body modification artists for hire in this wonderfully artistic horror film. The "Twisted Twins" (Jen and Sylvia Soska) deliver an awesome and suspenseful movie that stars Katharine Isabelle as Mary Mason, a struggling med student with mounting education debt, finds herself in the wrong place at the right time and becomes a surgeon for hire. The movie is great and I found myself lost completely in the movie, which is a good thing in my book! The story is captivating and delivers with very little gore. I watched this on Netflix and because it was so masterfully done, I will own this movie!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

American Mary gets:
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

31 Days of Horror: His Name Was Jason

So I guess it's documentary day, lol. I watched a really cool documentary hosted by Tom Savini about the Friday The 13th franchise and all things Jason Vorhees. It was really cool to see the evolution of the franchise and this documentary does a great job at that.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

His Name Was Jason gets:
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?

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31 Days of Horror: Never Sleep Again

A Nightmare On Elm St is called the movie that built New Line Cinema and Freddy Kruger was the talk of the town. Wes Craven's "bad dream creature" was now becoming an icon and with nine movies total in the franchise, Freddy became a household name. Never Sleep Again spans the legacy of the franchise with interviews with the cast and creator. A great documentary on a classic horror franchise!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Never Sleep Again gets:
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

31 Days of Horror: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a 1976 horror film based on the series of murders in rural areas of Texas and Arkansas. The killer was never identified and never apprehended! This movie was considered a true horror movie due to the fact that the case is unsolved even to this day. Check it out if you get a chance folks.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

The Town That Dreaded Sundown gets:
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!

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