Saturday, October 19, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Porn Star Zombies

This movie was suggested by Rick in Las Vegas, NV and he told me to be prepared to laugh. Rick, I laughed my ass off until I actually fell asleep...
When I came to I finished the movie and realized it was the cheapest version of Night Of The Living Dead that has ever existed, well until I film mine lol.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
1- "Tear My Soul Apart", this sucks!
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
3- Strap me to a chair, this one's a "Shocker"!
4- I'm having a ball, am I in "Phantasm"?
5- Great scares take "Shape"!

Porn Star Zombies gets:
2- Freddy could kill me cause I fell asleep!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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