Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October's Hottie and Bad Ass Of The Month

The Dean's List proudly brings to you the Hottie and Bad Ass of the Month for October!!!

Hottie: Tricia Evans
This Playboy model is not only a hottie she is an advocate for pet adoption. Helping animal shelters spread the word about adoption and saving the lives of these animals is something near and dear to her heart. I'm lucky to call her a friend as well as the Hottie of the Month!
Follow her on Twitter (@MissTriciaEvans) and tell her nicely that you saw her on The Dean's List!

Bad Ass: Joey Image
This professional wrestler/ass kicker is your "Italian Hero"! Terrorizing the New Jersey pro wrestling scene, Joey's "take no prisoners, cause everyone's the enemy" mentality has won over fans and promoters alike. A hard worker and passionate fan of the business, Joey continues to spread the word about the Jersey scene even after a neck injury has sidelined him from competing. Because he's a Bad Ass, he'll be back soon and will hit the ring with the same fiery passion that he had before the injury.
Follow Joey on Twitter (@JoeyImage) and tell him you saw him on The Dean's List, but do it nicely 'cause he's a Bad Ass!

Wanna be the next "Hottie of the Month" or the next "Bad Ass of the Month"?
Send me a message for details

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