Friday, March 30, 2012

Finally It's Friday

This week has been rough but it's friday and we all know friday is the start of the weekend.

Just resting up and trying to get back to 100% and it seems like a long process. I'm trying to get everything in in order that way if I'm out of work for a while, I'll have things under control... somewhat.

I don't have a whole lot to talk about today but one thing has kinda flipped me out. CBS This Morning did a story on "Man-gagement Rings" and I was floored. In the United States, a whopping 5% of men are wearing these engagement rings and women are taking charge of the situation. If their man doesn't ask them, they ask their man! I grew up in an age where the man asked or it never happened. It makes me wonder if the ladies that ask their man to marry them, do they go to the parents and get permission like the guys are supposed to do?

A lady in the story took a knee and asked her guy to marry her. He said yes, grabbed the ring and was quick to get her back on her feet. I think he was kind of embarrassed cause it's unconventional but, don't let it sound like I'm knocking it. It has been going on for years in other countries and I unfortunately don't have the numbers for their divorce rate, but I'm guessing it's similar to our numbers in the US.

What are your thoughts on this?
Ladies, would you propose to your man?
Guys, how would you feel if your lady asked you to marry her?

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hurts So... BAD!

I'm so tired of hurting and I'm really tired of feeling ill and sore. I'm doing everything that the doctor said to do and I'm so sore that I can't even take deep breaths. UGH!!!

I've been able to eat but I still don't eat much. Just don't have an appetite but I am craving some Lucky Charms, which I will be snacking on later. It's been five days since I've had a Sprite and my acid reflux hasn't crept up on me... Now that I've said that, it'll happen tonight :(

Enough blah news, I hope everyone's having a great week and is ready for the weekend! I'm ready for Wrestlemania and well relaxing more, lol!

Ya'll need to check out my friends The Black Liver Society they are some funny folks!
If you're in Knoxville TN or Tampa Fla, Check out Side Splitters Comedy Club it's a cool place and awesome comedians come to these clubs! (My opinion, plain and simple)
Knoxville TN's got some great Comedy Open Mic Nights now and once I get websites or Facebook pages I'll keep ya informed!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From Lionel Ritchie to Wrestlemania

I absolutely love Lionel Richie's music and when I found out that he had a new cd out, well you know I had to have! It's a country take on some of his classic songs and it's well worth it.

I'm not a music critic just a fan and if you love Lionel Ritchie and some of country's best artists, then this is the cd for you.

Say You Say Me with Jason Aldean is very cool and was also on The Late Show with David Letterman last night.
Easy with Willie Nelson is exactly how the song should be and should sound. Definitely check out this cd and no it doesn't have a drunk Kenny Chesney singing to Lionel's voicemail... Would've been cool though!

Wrestlemania is Sunday and I'm so pumped to watch the WWE's greatest superstars on the "grandest stage of them all!" CM Punk vs Chris Jericho is going to be a great match and of course The Rock vs John Cena is gonna be the one that everyone will be talking about. I am looking forward to the Hell In The Cell Match between The Undertaker and Triple H with special guest referee "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

I've watched wrestling since 1983 and there have been some tremendous highs and terrible lows. Watching a wrestler you've cheered on for years make it to Wrestlemania and become a champion or be in a moment that no one would forget is awesome. It's like watching the final home run in the World Series or the game winning Touchdown. LOL I dont't know how I made the jump from Lionel Ritchie to Wrestlemania, but I did... Until next time...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

Happy Wednesday

Well, I'm feeling better and that's a lot better than the past few days. I'm still sore and "doped" up but I'm able to get outta bed on my own and today was the first day that I was able to eat. Not much, but I was able to eat.

Tonight i was supposed to perform at Side Splitters in Knoxville, I'm not ready for that just yet. I always feel bad when I have to cancel but this time I know I couldn't be 100% and I only wanna be 100% for my fans.

Thank you all for the kind words, emails, facebook posts, and just keeping me in your thoughts, means a great deal to me!

Alright, gonna try to enjoy today as much as a can and get some rest... "Holla, if ya hear me!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Guess what's happened!

Well to make a long story short, I had my appendix taken out and that's why I haven't been on here lately.

It's rough but it could be worse. I'm a little slower and walk kinda funny, but at least I'm still goofy ;)

I might not make any sense right now because of the medicine I'm on, so if I ramble you know why. The dr at the hospital as really cool and from the look of my appendix, let's just say things wouldve been rough if I had went to a different hospital. Think I'm gonna rest a bit. I'll be back tomorrow :)
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Blissful Saturday

Last night's show was awesome!!! Thanks to the Roaming Gnome in Maryville TN for having us perform for their crowd!

Shout-Outs to: Waylon Whiskey, Dave Wright, Jeff Blank, and Ben Thompson!
Ya'll did awesome last night! Also thanks to Alison Martel and Matt Ward for haning out with us at the Gnome.

Woke up about 4pm and I'm planning on relaxing on this Saturday, so...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, March 23, 2012


Tonight is the Roaming Gnome Show with my fellow Black Liver Society comics! I'm really looking forward to it.

Time to raise a glass and get some laughs!

I'm currently working and while I work (at my job) I'm mentally preparing for the show. I get nervous before every show and that's a good thing! It let's me know that I still love what I do (comedy wise). It's the same nervous energy you get before talking to that special someone and if you never felt that... YOU'RE A LIAR!

Being on stage is pretty natural for me. I always felt at home there. Whether in a play at church or at school. I just felt like that was where I could get everyone's attention and keep it. You could say it's my parents' fault, in a way. Dad was never there and Mom was in an altered state for my formative years (Mom got Clean and Sober in 2004 and died of an Aneurysm on March 13, 2011)
So I felt like I had to be on a stage to be heard, seen, whatever. Sorry for getting serious there for a minute.

Anyway, I've always looked for that attention/ acceptance and being on stage was the best place for me.
Thank you Karen Mills and the adults at Oakwood Baptist Church in Knoxville TN as well as the teachers at Oakwood Elementary, Whittle Springs Middle, and Fulton High School in Knoxville TN for encouraging me to rock it when I was on stage!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Starting Off Right

I hate starting my day by having someone cuss me while I'm trying to help them.

It's Thursday and I've been up since the "butt-crack of dawn"! Very tired and wanting to stay home to rest.

Alright, off to better stuff! The weekend is closer and I'm so ready to rock the mic this Friday night! I've been working on some new parodies and getting the music for them as well. Gonna start making videos of them soon!

Hope ya'll have a great day and as always:
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Hump Day

Well, it's Wednesday and we're that much closer to the weekend! I'm getting pumped up for my show with the Black Liver Society and I know it's gonna be fun! I'm gonna try to record it so ya'll (that's a condensed word here in TN... Or in the South for that matter) can see the Hell Raisers and Beer Drinkers that we truly are :)

Being on-call for work is helping me to understand what some celebs and rockstars go through while on the road... Bad food, rough nights, lack of sleep, and did I mention bad food?!?

Oh well, price I pay to be this damn cool! LOL I hope you're enjoying these posts as much as I am writing them... Off to work, AGAIN!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blackberry Ups and Downs

I use a Blackberry™ and sometimes it has a mind of it's own... I have the roller on the lowest setting and if a breeze comes my way, it goes crazy like a child with a computer mouse. Oh well!

In other news, still on call and having a good time writing my parodies. I'm hoping to get some of them recorded to cd soon.

Well not much to talk about right now, but the beauty part of a blog is that you don't have to write a story... Goodnight!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Parody Songs

I'm a comedian that does parodies of popular songs, kinda like "Weird" Al Yankhovic and Cledus T. Judd. We've not had a parody on the radio in years and I think it's time we did! Now I know my xXx-Mas Carols will NEVER be on the radio (see youtube video and you'll understand) but I can record them and sell them during the Christmas/Hanukkah season...

Anyway, what I'm going on about is I like to do parodies. It's like second nature for me. If I hear a song that I can't stand or a song that I think is funny, I write a parody.

Artists I've parodied:
CeeLo Green
Jason Aldean (also with Kelly Clarkson)
Billy Ocean
Sheryl Crow
Toby Keith
Stevie Wonder
Adam Lambert
Justin Timberlake
Green Day
And that's just so far... ;)

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, March 19, 2012

Metal Rocks

I just had the chance to speak with a really cool guy that signs bands to his label Knox Asylum Records! Gonna try to get him to see a show of mine as well as my Black Liver Society brothers and sisters...

Coming from a fan of Metal, I think it would rock to be on a label like that and as a comedian would rock even harder! We shall see... Check out Knox Asylum Records at

My Monday is about over and some parodies have been written. Gonna relax and hit tomorrow hard!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Manic Monday

Well, it's Monday and things are just as expected... BLAH!

On a lighter note, this Friday I'll be at the Roaming Gnome with The Black Liver Society in Maryville Tn at 8pm!

Stay tuned for more and like always:
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wrestling Fans Unite!!!

Hey folks, figured I'd get away from the entries and actually title these things. I'm an avid wrestling (Oh no, I said the "W" word) fan and I have been since 1983... I'm pumped for this year's Wrestlemania and the spectacle that the show has become over the years.

Triple H VS The Undertaker is gonna be another Wrestlemania moment that no one wants to miss!

Ok, back to the blog... I'm relaxing today and just enjoying my day off. I saw 21 Jumpstreet with Bridgette & Coley O'Dell as well as the Brittany "The Rock Maiden" Hodge.... Side note, if ya wanna talk METAL, she's your gal! (You'll see her on my Twitter thing to the right)

I would also like to spread the word of the beer drinking-est, foul mouthed, funniest group of comics there ever will be (and I'm one of them!) THE BLACK LIVER SOCIETY!!! Check'em out @
We've got some fun stuff coming up, so stay tuned!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

Easy Like Sunday Morning

It's Sunday and I'm resting up for the incoming week of work. Being on cal can be a blessing and a curse at times.

But today is here and it's the moment I live for... Gotta live life to the fullest! Gonna relax and take time for myself and friends (in that order too).

Off to see 21 Jumpstreet starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill
I pick on Tatum some do to the fact all women and some men swoon over him, but it could be worse... I don't have anything really against Tatum he's just an easy target to pick on!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Entry #8

March Madness!!!
I don't follow College Hoops. Just never got into it, but I did fill out a bracket at work and I'm tied with my boss (the guy that follows College Hoops)! Oh well, either I'm really lucky or he has sucky picks!

Watched Footloose (the remake)... For what it was, it was ok. Could've been better in my opinion. Enuff said!

Also watched Jack and Jill, it started kinda slow but I enjoyed the movie.

I'm really wanting to be in a movie, preferably a horror movie as the funny fat guy that gets killed first and says something witty before dying... One day my dream will become a reality, even if I have to direct it!

Well enjoy your day and have fun!
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, March 16, 2012

Entry #7

The weather is rainy and it's looking kinda rough outside... I cancelled one show due to weather and nothing bad happened, I'm not doing it again!

I missed out on a cool show with my Black Liver Society Members due to the weather and I have regretted it ever since.

I'm gonna be hosting at Club 1341 on 1341 Dolly Parton Parkway in Sevierville TN tonight and I'll be performing with two lovely comics by the names of Jessica Carter and Christy Edison! Basically it's "Two Chicks and a Dick" (at least that's what I'm calling it)

Had a unique day, one job to do and cleaned everything in the office! Oh well... Other than that, my day was pretty cool!

Time to get my thoughts together and work out some ideas before the show! Send me a message on Facebook

And as always,
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Entry# 6 1/2

About to watch the Big Bang Theory and was asked to host a comedy show in Sevierville TN tomorrow night at Club 1341! My buddy Alex Stokes usually runs that show and it's a really cool place to do some comedy.

Well... No Big Bang Theory :( but I can always amuse myself LOL!
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Entry #6

Good morning folks! Had a great show at Side Splitters Knoxville last night and all the performers were on their game! The crowd was awesome and if you were in the audience last night, thank you for coming to the show!

Getting some jokes and songs ready for the Roaming Gnome in Maryville TN on the 23rd... I don't think they're ready! Well, off to work...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Entry #5

Looking forward to doing some new comedy tonight at Side Splitters in Knoxville TN. Gonna be some funny folks there and to quote the Joker from Batman (1988) "Wait till they get a load of me!"

Hope everyone is having a great day!
I may have a second part to this soon...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Entry #4

Today started rough but, it's going a lot better. Thank you to those of you that kept me in your thoughts and prayers, it means a great deal to me that you did that.

On a happier note, I have been writing some song parodies and will be recording them soon. I will keep you posted on when they will be done.

I'm also working on some skits for my YouTube channel and I think they will be very funny, or at least I hope they will be.

If ya feel froggy find me on Twitter and send me a message, @thedeanjennings

Have a great day and as always: If ya can't get close enough to feel me
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, March 12, 2012

Entry #3

I broke down this morning. March 13th is a rough day for me, it's the day my mom passed away. It's just been a year and I know it takes time, but there are times I need to hear her voice or just that motherly "what were you thinking?"

She never got to see me perform my comedy live and I wish that she had, but I know she's watching me now.

I was feeling really sad today but I feel like my mom was with me and gave me a joke I never thought of until I was down.
"Last year I lost two very important people in my life. One taught me how to overcome adversity, to unleash my Madness, and drop one hell of an elbow drop off the top rope! The other was the Macho Man Randy Savage!"

Love and Miss you Mom!
Jackie "Jack-ay" Jennings
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Entry #2

I've had the opportunity to relax this weekend and I've been working on some jokes for the upcoming open mic nights this coming week. I'm also re-working some older parodies so I can record them and put them on my YouTube channel (djtrauma632 or Dean Jennings) {I can't remember the name lol}

For those of you in Russia and in Germany, thank you for checking out my blog :) It makes me happy to see that folks other than my friends are checking this out!

A little about me: I've lived in Knoxville, TN all my life/ I listen to all kinds of music (so if you're in a band, send me some music)/ I love to laugh and make people laugh (otherwise I wouldn't be doing comedy)/ Just an overall goofy guy, but I have a heart of gold!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
If you're on Facebook, send me a friend request and/or a message :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Entry #1

Well, kinda new to "blogging" but I'm gonna give it a shot! I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you for reading this cause you must be a fan or a jackass that wants "dirt" on me for future use. Either way, thanks for checking out my blog. In future blogs, I will address some stuff that will be on my mind... Also, I will have some fun stuff on here as well! That's my promise to you... So enjoy and let's have ourselves some fun :)

Check me out @