Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wrestling Fans Unite!!!

Hey folks, figured I'd get away from the entries and actually title these things. I'm an avid wrestling (Oh no, I said the "W" word) fan and I have been since 1983... I'm pumped for this year's Wrestlemania and the spectacle that the show has become over the years.

Triple H VS The Undertaker is gonna be another Wrestlemania moment that no one wants to miss!

Ok, back to the blog... I'm relaxing today and just enjoying my day off. I saw 21 Jumpstreet with Bridgette & Coley O'Dell as well as the Brittany "The Rock Maiden" Hodge.... Side note, if ya wanna talk METAL, she's your gal! (You'll see her on my Twitter thing to the right)

I would also like to spread the word of the beer drinking-est, foul mouthed, funniest group of comics there ever will be (and I'm one of them!) THE BLACK LIVER SOCIETY!!! Check'em out @
We've got some fun stuff coming up, so stay tuned!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

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