Friday, March 23, 2012


Tonight is the Roaming Gnome Show with my fellow Black Liver Society comics! I'm really looking forward to it.

Time to raise a glass and get some laughs!

I'm currently working and while I work (at my job) I'm mentally preparing for the show. I get nervous before every show and that's a good thing! It let's me know that I still love what I do (comedy wise). It's the same nervous energy you get before talking to that special someone and if you never felt that... YOU'RE A LIAR!

Being on stage is pretty natural for me. I always felt at home there. Whether in a play at church or at school. I just felt like that was where I could get everyone's attention and keep it. You could say it's my parents' fault, in a way. Dad was never there and Mom was in an altered state for my formative years (Mom got Clean and Sober in 2004 and died of an Aneurysm on March 13, 2011)
So I felt like I had to be on a stage to be heard, seen, whatever. Sorry for getting serious there for a minute.

Anyway, I've always looked for that attention/ acceptance and being on stage was the best place for me.
Thank you Karen Mills and the adults at Oakwood Baptist Church in Knoxville TN as well as the teachers at Oakwood Elementary, Whittle Springs Middle, and Fulton High School in Knoxville TN for encouraging me to rock it when I was on stage!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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