Friday, March 30, 2012

Finally It's Friday

This week has been rough but it's friday and we all know friday is the start of the weekend.

Just resting up and trying to get back to 100% and it seems like a long process. I'm trying to get everything in in order that way if I'm out of work for a while, I'll have things under control... somewhat.

I don't have a whole lot to talk about today but one thing has kinda flipped me out. CBS This Morning did a story on "Man-gagement Rings" and I was floored. In the United States, a whopping 5% of men are wearing these engagement rings and women are taking charge of the situation. If their man doesn't ask them, they ask their man! I grew up in an age where the man asked or it never happened. It makes me wonder if the ladies that ask their man to marry them, do they go to the parents and get permission like the guys are supposed to do?

A lady in the story took a knee and asked her guy to marry her. He said yes, grabbed the ring and was quick to get her back on her feet. I think he was kind of embarrassed cause it's unconventional but, don't let it sound like I'm knocking it. It has been going on for years in other countries and I unfortunately don't have the numbers for their divorce rate, but I'm guessing it's similar to our numbers in the US.

What are your thoughts on this?
Ladies, would you propose to your man?
Guys, how would you feel if your lady asked you to marry her?

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

1 comment:

  1. I definitely grew up in the same fashion you did, where it was always the man who asked. I think the only time it makes sense for the woman to ask if it's Leap Day. It's a fairly well-known "tradition" that women can propose to their man on Leap Day. It only comes around once every 4 years, so it's still not going to happen a lot. It's "special" and rare enough that it's cute I guess. I think if the woman honestly feels like she needs to propose, she's probably with a guy who is never going to ask her anyway. It almost makes me feel like she's cornering him and pushing him down a path he probably doesn't want to be on. If the guy wants to propose, he'll get around to it. In my experience, guys will do stuff when they're ready for it but it can take time. Call me old fashioned, but that's my 2 cents as the gf of the blogger. ;)
