Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hurts So... BAD!

I'm so tired of hurting and I'm really tired of feeling ill and sore. I'm doing everything that the doctor said to do and I'm so sore that I can't even take deep breaths. UGH!!!

I've been able to eat but I still don't eat much. Just don't have an appetite but I am craving some Lucky Charms, which I will be snacking on later. It's been five days since I've had a Sprite and my acid reflux hasn't crept up on me... Now that I've said that, it'll happen tonight :(

Enough blah news, I hope everyone's having a great week and is ready for the weekend! I'm ready for Wrestlemania and well relaxing more, lol!

Ya'll need to check out my friends The Black Liver Society they are some funny folks!
If you're in Knoxville TN or Tampa Fla, Check out Side Splitters Comedy Club it's a cool place and awesome comedians come to these clubs! (My opinion, plain and simple)
Knoxville TN's got some great Comedy Open Mic Nights now and once I get websites or Facebook pages I'll keep ya informed!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"

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