Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Hump Day

Well, it's Wednesday and we're that much closer to the weekend! I'm getting pumped up for my show with the Black Liver Society and I know it's gonna be fun! I'm gonna try to record it so ya'll (that's a condensed word here in TN... Or in the South for that matter) can see the Hell Raisers and Beer Drinkers that we truly are :)

Being on-call for work is helping me to understand what some celebs and rockstars go through while on the road... Bad food, rough nights, lack of sleep, and did I mention bad food?!?

Oh well, price I pay to be this damn cool! LOL I hope you're enjoying these posts as much as I am writing them... Off to work, AGAIN!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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