Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Am I The Problem?

I'm having some issues at work and it's bleeding over into my personal life. I don't want to "take my work home" but the stuff I have to deal with on a daily basis is causing a lot of problems for me. I don't sleep well due to some of the things I've had to see while dealing with hospice patients and having to pick up the equipment I just delivered the day before, because of a death. It gets old quick. I don't think I can handle much more of that job.

I'm trying to be positive again after all the chaos I've dealt with here recently. I just hope some good things come my way or doors to better opportunities start to open. I don't have any "Ill-Will" towards anyone, just need to move on and move on the right way!

Gonna rest and hope tomorrow is better... "HOLLA!"
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Holds Barred

I'm so waiting for July 3rd so I can get this dvd!!! I remember when it came out and my mom took me to see it on the big screen. I was so happy to see Hulk Hogan on the big screen and I wanted the "Rip'em" shirt that he wore in the movie. It was a campy movie but in it's defense, it was the 1980's and most of the movies at that time were just that, campy. If this movie was remade like most movies nowadays, John Cena would play the character of Rip Taylor and Zeus would be Bob Sapp from Japan Wrestling/Shootfighting world. I think that would be an awesome movie, my opinion! Enough nostalgia, enjoy and comment! "HOLLA!"

Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Memorial Day and today we take time to remember the soldiers that lost their lives to protect our freedoms, to thank those currently serving, and to buy mattresses... Wait, how does buying a mattress remind us of Memorial Day??? That's the most ri-cock-ulous (JD Maverick and April Hunter word) thing I've ever heard!!! Today is a time to gather with friends and families and enjoy the times you've had and look to the future times we'll have together, not buying a damn mattress!

I personally would like to thank all of the men and women for their service. Without you I couldn't be the goofy guy that I am and say the things that I do. You rock and should be thanked everyday, not just one or two days out of the year!

Update: I will be back on stage telling jokes and making folks laugh till they choke in June. Be sure to check out my store and if ya like the items, buy them and spread the word.

Enjoy and as always:
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


If I ever become famous, I will always take time for my fans. If not for them, I wouldn't be where I am and for that I am thankful! I have twitter, youtube, facebook and this blog/website to be able to chat with my fans. It's pretty cool to see how many folks have read my posts and checked out the videos and interviews that I have done. I hope that many more are on the horizon! I'm currently sitting in the breakroom at work totally spent from dealing with Hospice and families that have lost someone the day or two before. This job for me is a little taxing and I'm praying that one day I can do the one thing I've wanted to do for years... entertain! Everytime I get a chance to make someone laugh it brightens my day. I used to be this bad attitude, piss poor look at life, downer and people don't wanna be around that guy. They wanna be around the "celebrity" and have fun. In June, I'm back to having fun on and off stage. God, please help them get ready... for they know not what I'm gonna do!

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Getting To Live A Dream

Folks, I know that some of these posts have been kinda down and not the guy you all know. I can safely say that this year even after some setbacks has been a great year so far. I make folks laugh and now because of the nomination for Goodwill's "Mr. Knoxville" Contest, I get to live out a dream of mine since I was three years old! In 1983, I saw Hulk Hogan and my world changed. I wanted to be a professional wrestler and do what I saw Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Ric Flair, Sting, The Undertaker, and many more pro wrestlers following them do. I painted my face like the Ultimate Warrior, Sting, Hawk, Animal, The Great Muta and I became the eight year old version of that character. It's the one thing that consumed my life and made me friends as well as lost me friends. Wrestling was and is my all time number one dream. I will live that dream this year and I get to do it for charity. I will announce more information once I have it, but I start training for it in June. I would love your feedback, advice, and/or well wishes on this. Hey, you never know... It might take me farther than I expect! "HOLLA!"
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Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Zombie Apocalypse

Everyone I know is constantly asking, "Do you have a 'Zombie Apocalypse' plan?" and I honestly do not. It always makes me laugh when someone asks that question. I guess it's because it seems so far-fetched that it would ever happen. I have started thinking about it more and more due to the fact that more and more folks become dependent on drugs and they end up looking like the "walking dead". I'm currently watching a Zombie movie (I really like Horror movies if ya haven't noticed) and the characters in the movie are pretty resourceful by going to a shopping center and getting supplies. In this movie animals can become zombies as well... Great now if a bird poops on me I'm gonna flip out even more than normal! All in all, I would want to make sure my friends were ok if this ever did happen. Have pleasant nightmares, kiddies! ;)
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Have ya noticed that the proverbial "hot girls" are the ones that are insecure and the "big girls" are the ones flaunting their stuff! I'm just amazed how the media will push these stick-thin women as the most beautiful women in the world and the women with curves are just not attractive. I don't know about ya'll but I like a woman with curves cause I don't have brakes! Hehe I have seen these "itty-bitty" ladies and they always say they can be thinner... Any more thin and you'll be dead!!! Now to the other extreme, those "big girls" that are about three feet wider than all of outside... Push away from the buffet and let the stick-thins in! (No, I didn't say Thin Mints!) It's one thing for a lady with curves to come across as sexy, attractive, or even downright HOTT! (Yeah, two T's even!) It's another when you have a zip code and a postal office on the back of your neck! For the folks that think I'm "picking on" these examples I say this: "I'm saying openly what you're afraid to say!' 'I'm not Perez Hilton cutting people down like he did before, I'm speaking the truth!"

I'm all for self expression but, when we can see your skeleton or see how hard it is for you to breathe when you take a step there's a problem. I don't want the Government to tell me what I can or cannot consume on a daily basis, but we keep giving them reasons to do so when we have that fifth helping of Ben And Jerry's Chunky Munky (however they spell it) or we vomit after every meal even Celery! It's time to wake up from the Sugar Comas we've been under and accept the fact we need to Gain/Lose some pounds to be healthy. I have and it's difficult, nothing worth anything comes easy! (Thanks Granny, I always hated that saying!) I've started with me, when will you start?

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You Gon' Get Got!

We've all seen these jackamoes that turn without signaling and everytime they do, we get ticked off and shout at the devil because these folks are STUPID!!! I'm pretty sure every model car nowadays has these nifty things called turn signals and the manual for the car will explain how they work! If you need assistance, just ask and someone will show you how to use these great inventions. If you choose not to use them, YOU GON' GET GOT!!!

Now that I've ranted about how people that don't use their turn signals, I think it's time to relax and enjoy my evening :) Feel free to comment and share your rant against STUPID DRIVERS

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Optical Illusions

Everybody knows about beer goggles and from a distance looks. If you don't, let me enlighten you on these unfortunate truths!

As a child, I was told to always "Look before you leap" and "Look twice". These were things our parents and grandparents told us to protect us... More like, "I've already made that mistake and you don't wanna do it too!" that was the basic gist of it. As a kid, we don't really listen to those words until we get a bit older. Take the ripe old age of 18, old enough to buy smokes and join the military but, not old enough for beer and liquor. That's the first illusion we really learn from: "You're old enough to do what you want!"
The second is after we turn 21 and can legally purchase alcohol: "All the girls get prettier at closing time!" Thanks to Mickey Gilley for that song cause it's very true if you've had one TOO many to drink. Many a night from 22 to 24 I spent my nights shutting down my local bar and seeing some ladies walk in "god-awful ugly" and walking out like Angelina Jolie! Ladies, you've done the same thing! Don't say you haven't! I've seen lots of girls (in groups, of course) watching guys and talking bad about them at the beginning of their night, then all of a sudden... Julie's dancing with Goober and they leave together. A real Coyote Ugly moment! Guys get the far off look and we'll say to our buddies: "Man, she's so hot... I'm going in for a closer look!". Then when they get close enough you see them go from standing tall to dragging their knuckles in a depressed reality of UGHHHHH! Girls have done it too but the girls just keep on walking to the bathroom. The long distance look and the beer goggles are the all time winners of Life's Optical Illusions!
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Relaxing and Interviews

I've taken May off to really relax and re-cooperate since I pushed myself so hard to get back into the swing of things here in the Knoxville comedy scene. I should've taken my time and not pushed to get back. That's my fault! The funny thing is, I have the same support I had before the surgery and I haven't really missed a beat. I do however wanna be on stage again, but I do need to take care of myself so I can give a hundred percent on stage.

I've been towing the line for The Dean's List and I'm planning on going to Chattanooga soon to interview the comics that rock the stages down there. I also wanna get some bands on the show as well... The local comics here in Knoxville need to let me know when they wanna be on the show. Some have said that they wanna do the show, only to never have time to be on... If ya wanna be on let me know by email and give dates that you are available for interview. I want this to be something club owners or bar owners depending on your style, watches and says: "I want them at my club/bar!"

That's what I want for you all, the question now is: "When do you wanna be on the show?"

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

I am missing my mom this weekend and I know I'm not alone in this feeling. Many folks have reached out by message with stories of their mothers and how they miss them but they remember the fun and good times. It definitely makes things easier to deal with by thinking of the good times.

I do remember a fun time but mom didn't think it was very fun... One Thanksgiving, my uncle had bought a "laughing box"that came with a remote and we thought it would be funny to put the box inside the turkey so when mom carved the turkey it would make everyone would laugh. Well, mom goes and puts the knife in one hand, puts the fork into the bird and as she starts to carve my uncle presses the button for it to laugh. Mom drops the knife and fork then runs to the restroom to get sick. Now we knew she had a weak stomach but we figured she would just scream. Nope she got sick and wouldn't eat. Granny didn't eat turkey for a while but the rest of us laughed our tails off. Mom did tell me at one time that it was the funniest thing she'd ever been apart of but she didn't like the fact that the joke was on her.

Mom I miss ya and love ya. I hope you're not mad that I shared this because you know I'm gonna do it again someday :*
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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting Back On Track (I Think)

Well, I've not been blogging for a bit and that's because I have been relaxing and working on new stuff. I needed to step back and put everything on the table so I could see what really needed my attention. May is my month of rest and I'm doing just that. I'm hoping to get more interviews for The Dean's List and more fan pics for the video I'm doing to thank the fans of the show.

I've talked about the Goodwill's Mr. Knoxville Contest and how I'm raising money for this cause. Goodwill provides a service in the community that helps folks get things that they need and that's the kind of cause I can stand behind. I want to help the local comedy community by showcasing them on my show, but I also want to showcase others and their talents. That's just how I am and Goodwill is the kind of cause I can relate to and want to stand with.

I am planning a wrestling show, some comedy shows, a special "drag" show, and many other ideas are running through my mind. If you'd like to make a donation to Goodwill please contact me at and I will email you the information on how to do that, or if you see me out just hand me a sealed envelope labeled Goodwill and I'll get it to them.
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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Have You Been Deleted On Facebook

I found out that two family members of mine have deleted me from their Facebook accounts. The sad thing is that the family members that have stayed on my account are the ones that I never really hung out with but I have the most in common with.

At almost 32 years of age, I've realized that you can't please everyone and the real people that are behind you are your friends and the family you start! You learn from you parents family and try not to repeat their mistakes. The best thing about knowing that they've "deleted" me is: I'm on my own and I'm loving it!

Now when I talk about my family, it involves the people closest to me and they know who they are! So, even though they won't read it unless other members of the family reads it and spreads the word... I love you and hope your life is filled with happiness! Time to make my happiness come true, with or without ya!

Since you're not close to feel me...
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Saturday, May 5, 2012


"Stalker" by Dean Jennings
[Verse 1]
If I was your stalker, I'd never let you go
I'm your biggest fan and I've been to every show
I bought all your merchandise at my local store
I know you got someone but I can love you more
Stalk you, stalk you, yeah I'ma stalk you
Keep you in my basement just to look at you
You don't know me but I know about you
I'ma sing high voice in three, two

I'm gonna be, everything you want
Hey now, you'll never leave!

If I was your stalker, I'd never let you go
I'd keep you in my basement, you'd never be alone
I'll be the only man that you'll ever need
If I was your stalker, I'd never let you go
I'd never let you go
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Friday, May 4, 2012

Future Mr. Knoxville???

I received an email suggesting that I should participate in Goodwill's "Mr. Knoxville" Contest in November. As we all know, I'm a natural ham (yeah I went there) and I bust my butt for a good cause! (See Laughs For Laura video for proof.)

I'm planning on pulling favors, owing a few favors, but all in all... Just having a good time! Goodwill provides a great service to our community and I'm so proud to help them. Once I have more info I will post it but, keep your calendars open for November 15th cause the "Round Mang" is gonna have some fun!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Long Time No Hear...

It's been a while and for that I'm sorry, but I've been kinda busy relaxing... I took some time for myself and got my head back outta the clouds and feet firmly on the ground! Time to play the game!

Good news is on the way and I'm excited about it! Once everything is official, I'll let ya'll in on the festivities!

On a different note, I'm taking May off from comedy (not all by choice, but it's cool) and I'm working more on The Dean's List as well as on my writing. Yes, I also know tonight is Thursday and The Big Bang Theory is coming on... Pizza is here and I'm ready to enjoy!!!

Black Liver Society is kickin' it up with videos and I'm so proud of them and to be apart of the BLS! I will soon have a section for web links of the comedians I enjoy as well as the ones that I know and have been on my show.

Enjoy yourselves and as always...
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